New zone layouts and why that's bad.

They are more affected by bots. While I doubt bots do good in Invasion unless the bot is fully RMTed.
I agree races should be fixed seed
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Avireyn wrote:
As someone who has absolutely no interest in racing (and is therefore unaffected by hacks): I love that those new chunks were added. Makes those zones seem much more varied and encourage exploring much more.

Just saying. There's two sides to most things, and I for one love the added random factor. In fact, it's half the reason I play PoE over other ARPGs.

That's about the most absurd thing I have ever read. Why would that encourage exploring? The content that is in the zone is the same, the only difference is the layout of it.

In other words, there is nothing new to explore.

And unless you are leveling 5 characters a day, there is no way you have already even experienced all the previously existing layouts, so to you any new added layouts would be indistinguishable from layouts that already previously existed but you have just never come across before.

Powster wrote:
I agree races should be fixed seed

Jesus, that's not even remotely what I'm saying.

#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on Mar 10, 2014, 8:11:24 PM
It would be kinda cool if everyone had the same maps but the map still wasn't revealed. Though this would give advantages to players that were in mumble with each other.
IGN: Hybris_the_StormHerald - Nemesis
Season 3 - #3 Marauder - #15 overall points
Season 4 - #2 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #9 overall points
Season 5 - #1 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #20 overall points
Hybriis wrote:
It would be kinda cool if everyone had the same maps but the map still wasn't revealed. Though this would give advantages to players that were in mumble with each other.

Good enough for me, people in mumble having an advantage is the lesser of the two evils. Still preferable to maphackers having yet another advantage over legit players.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
SlixSC wrote:
Hybriis wrote:
It would be kinda cool if everyone had the same maps but the map still wasn't revealed. Though this would give advantages to players that were in mumble with each other.

Good enough for me, people in mumble having an advantage is the lesser of the two evils. Still preferable to maphackers having yet another advantage over legit players.

I don't understand. This would do nothing to punish map hackers and it would be even worse for legit players who don't use voice chat programs. I must be missing something :S
tagpt wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
Hybriis wrote:
It would be kinda cool if everyone had the same maps but the map still wasn't revealed. Though this would give advantages to players that were in mumble with each other.

Good enough for me, people in mumble having an advantage is the lesser of the two evils. Still preferable to maphackers having yet another advantage over legit players.

I don't understand. This would do nothing to punish map hackers and it would be even worse for legit players who don't use voice chat programs. I must be missing something :S

It would, because as is, GGG have added more random layouts to the pool of possible layouts for maps. Who does this benefit the most? Maphackers. They couldn't care less about new layouts, because for them it's all the same.

But for legit players this change really sucks, because we have to learn tons of new layouts now and put in infinitely more effort into learning the new layouts than maphackers have to.

It might not be the perfect solution, but it would at least somewhat level the playing field between maphackers and people in mumble. But as is, the new layouts only benefit maphackers.

Unless GGG ban all maphackers someone is always gonna get shafted and honestly I'd rather see legit players who don't use mumble get shafted as opposed to all legit players, because that way at least the gap between legit players with mumble and maphackers doesn't increase.

edit: Boof is a genius, he just suggested that people who don't have mumble could just open a stream to see the layouts and get all the information. So ultimately nobody would get shafted if Hybris' suggestion went through.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on Mar 10, 2014, 10:00:47 PM
SlixSC wrote:
edit: Boof is a genius, he just suggested that people who don't have mumble could just open a stream to see the layouts and get all the information. So ultimately nobody would get shafted if Hybris' suggestion went through.

the real question is, whos stream should they open
helmanz ofc
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact

Hybriis wrote:
It would be kinda cool if everyone had the same maps but the map still wasn't revealed. Though this would give advantages to players that were in mumble with each other.

SlixSC wrote:
tagpt wrote:
SlixSC wrote:

Good enough for me, people in mumble having an advantage is the lesser of the two evils. Still preferable to maphackers having yet another advantage over legit players.

I don't understand. This would do nothing to punish map hackers and it would be even worse for legit players who don't use voice chat programs. I must be missing something :S

It would, because as is, GGG have added more random layouts to the pool of possible layouts for maps. Who does this benefit the most? Maphackers. They couldn't care less about new layouts, because for them it's all the same.

But for legit players this change really sucks, because we have to learn tons of new layouts now and put in infinitely more effort into learning the new layouts than maphackers have to.

It might not be the perfect solution, but it would at least somewhat level the playing field between maphackers and people in mumble. But as is, the new layouts only benefit maphackers.

Unless GGG ban all maphackers someone is always gonna get shafted and honestly I'd rather see legit players who don't use mumble get shafted as opposed to all legit players, because that way at least the gap between legit players with mumble and maphackers doesn't increase.

edit: Boof is a genius, he just suggested that people who don't have mumble could just open a stream to see the layouts and get all the information. So ultimately nobody would get shafted if Hybris' suggestion went through.

I understand the OP. My reply was to having everyone on the server use the same map in a race and it not being revealed.

Yes, lets open a stream and alt+tab every 30sec to take a look at the map or hope the people abusing this just speak their mind and tell on mumble the way to go. Kappa.

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