Legacy items in PVP is a joke

Here is my current dilemma. The main reason I play action RPGs is to eventually build chrs that are good enough to PvP and are fun to PvP with. However I have a 40 hr per week job and normally have a regular social life so I can't really fully gear out a character in a four month league. So I'd like to just play in standard and eventually get a few chrs up there on my own time that are good enough to kick ass in PvP. But standard is a dumpster league for OP legacy items and the fact that they are usable in PvP is kinda ridiculous and really kills my motivation to keep playing, knowing no matter how much I grind I still get rolled by OP items that i have zero chance of finding.
Relic416 wrote:
Here is my current dilemma. The main reason I play action RPGs is to eventually build chrs that are good enough to PvP and are fun to PvP with. However I have a 40 hr per week job and normally have a regular social life so I can't really fully gear out a character in a four month league. So I'd like to just play in standard and eventually get a few chrs up there on my own time that are good enough to kick ass in PvP. But standard is a dumpster league for OP legacy items and the fact that they are usable in PvP is kinda ridiculous and really kills my motivation to keep playing, knowing no matter how much I grind I still get rolled by OP items that i have zero chance of finding.

Basically. The only option for PVP in standard is to RMT or play for 25 hours a day. Or you could try moving to HC but only 1% of the playerbase plays there now so PVP is dead there.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
bor nerf was pretty dumb. what is the thought process? with bor you cant use chest armor.. so you have less life/res/armor/6sockets. so lets nerf the life to 160 max. oh lets nerf the attack speed and blind too. wth
Perhaps a level 60 PVP bracket would help? There aren't many OP legacy items under level 60. Just a thought. Personally I prefer level 28!
Relic416 wrote:
knowing no matter how much I grind I still get rolled by OP items that i have zero chance of finding.

This is your problem. In an ARPG game, time and dedication is king. As long as you have a family and working full time you will never be able to compete with people playing 16 hours a day. There'll always be OP items that you think you will never be able to afford. Whats the point of bashing Legacies while there're a shit ton of mirrored items that are 10x stronger?
Believe it or not, more than 90% of Legacy uniques are not owned by their original finders. They accumulated wealth and bought them so your "zero chance of finding" argument is completely invalid. Since you can buy and sell items in this game, Legacy uniques are nothing more than their value in currency, which can be matched by consistent farming and selling of lesser items. If you're committed enough to take the same road as almost everyone else in POE then sooner or later you will be able to buy some. However, if your only hope in POE is to hit that 1 in a million jackpot then bad news for you, 99.9999% of the time you will lose in competition.
What if Legacies are ruled out in PvP? Tomorrow you will start bitching about mirrored items. The day after, some better toys people have over yours. It doesn't matter how much time you've put in this game, there'll always be people with better gear than yours and Legacies are just part of that system. As long as Legacies can still be traded between players, yours "zero chance of finding" argument is invalid.
Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Last edited by Bumblebutt on Mar 16, 2014, 3:20:38 PM
lol if they removed legacy items from pvp you would still bitch about mirrored items
BlackDemonz wrote:
lol if they removed legacy items from pvp you would still bitch about mirrored items

Mirrored items are part of the game and determined to be valid and not OP. Why would I complain about that? I'm also aware ARPGs are about time investment, I just want to invest a few hours a day and max a chr out over a year rather than over a month or two. I could theoretically find a mirror in that time or find the currency to craft my own stuff. Don't kid yourself, the only ones benefiting from legacy items in pvp are people who already own them, and if you don't own them I have no idea why you'd bother trying to argue for them, cause they are simply unfair in competition (pvp). Yeah maybe I could theoretically farm 100x as long as the guy who originally found the legacy did to potentially buy it from him, but that's not really fair either. If I did own a legacy koams I know I'd never sell it.

Just in case GGG is reading this I've only logged in once or twice since SOTV because of this reason. And before someone says something to the affect of "Good riddance newb we don't care about one person". I know GGG actually likes feedback and addressing this issue would get me to play again.
Relic416, i agree with you that mirrored items are the parts of the game. But imagine in PVP, a guy who is very rich in real life, can obtain as many mirrored items as he wants by RMTing. He does not need to spend time to make his own gears at all. Instead, he buys mirrors and make as many mirrored items as he wants. Having 1 worth-mirroring item is not OP, but what about a guy with every single slot in his inventory is a mirrored item? That is OP. Only the crafter who creates the worth-mirroring item can use it in PVP because he may have spent 1000 ex to craft it. That is the reward for the one who craft his own gear. Mirrored versions should only be allowed in PVE, not in PVP.
behakungfu wrote:
Relic416, i agree with you that mirrored items are the parts of the game. But imagine in PVP, a guy who is very rich in real life, can obtain as many mirrored items as he wants by RMTing. He does not need to spend time to make his own gears at all. Instead, he buys mirrors and make as many mirrored items as he wants. Having 1 worth-mirroring item is not OP, but what about a guy with every single slot in his inventory is a mirrored item? That is OP. Only the crafter who creates the worth-mirroring item can use it in PVP because he may have spent 1000 ex to craft it. That is the reward for the one who craft his own gear. Mirrored versions should only be allowed in PVE, not in PVP.

This would only set back RMT guys for a few weeks.. they would just craft the items themselves
Team Omniscient

Yes, i thought about that too, yardiegamer.

RMTers has 3 classes:
1) The poor RMTers, who only pay enough to obtain the items they need. They are not rich, but they dont have much time to farm to get so many ex to buy the items they want. They have jobs and family to take care of. Therefore, they must do RMT to move on and to keep pace with no-life people in game.
2) The profit RMTers, who pay to get the items and then sell back to market for ex. They do that for profit and will be willing to pay to invest in the items. They will wait for a long time and sell back to market for higher price. For example, they can pay 200$ for legacy kaoms heart and then wait until the price goes up like 300$, they will sell back to the poor RMTers to get 100$ profit.
3) The insane RMTers, who insanely love winning and want to dominate us all. They are so rich that they can afford all and never care about how many ex needed to win. They will pay for all, buy all to win us. They usually buy items from the profit RMTers.

When legacy items and mirrored items are banned in PVP:
1) the poor RMTers does not need to pay anymore because they can find good items to PVP by mapping themselves. At least, they don't need to farm like crazy to get ex after working 40 hours a week and taking care of wives, children,...
2) the profit RMTers see that people don't not need legacy items and mirrored items to PVP, so they feel unsafe to invest in these items and they find it hard to get profit from them.
3) The insane RMTers: If they have a good thought, they will find that it is not worth paying like 1000ex to craft a item for their own. If not, 1000ex will be nothing to them. They can pay for that tons of ex as long as they can win us all. (They win us all both in real life and in game if u guys care...) However, because they must buy a lot of ex to craft their own items, so the sellers, who sell ex to them, will be easier to be located and punished/banned by GGG.

Because GGG does not want this game to be "Pay to Win" , legacy items and mirrored items must be banned in PVP. These items will ruin PVP balance if players keep using them to win. The new players will soon find out that they even can't have a chance to play a fair battle. The final result is new players will always leave the PVP and our PVP community will be always this small. Don't u guys see that our PVP community never got 200 players? (I mention of players who really care about PVP and try to invest in PVP). The reason for that is people don't wanna PVP to be losers ridiculously for more. They did PVP sometimes and found that it is just a waste for them. Some of the builds like Power Siphon, Summoners, Dischargers, and so on work very well in PVE but don't have a chance to win in PVP. So people who use these builds don't wanna change because they love their current builds. They don't want to change to a new build in order to struggle to win for a while, but then keep losing forever after all because other people copied their builds and use legacy gears while they are using the updated gears. They actually want PVP to be balanced both in items and skill gems. The rest depends on strategies of players. U know what? I have many friends in Domination League, who said: "PVP in standard is bad." Some of them play new leagues, but some quit because it costs too much for them to get enough to PVP.

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