So the new patch notes are out

block = everywhere on passive OP

sword/ red block +block DUAL WIELD OR HOLDING A SHIELD OP

2h sword/red block ONLY (550dps 1h Crit weapons+shield vs 2h RT Swords fair enough)

2h RT mace: fuck those scrubs
> Maybe crit? fuck the investment if no block pen chance
2h RT axe: fuck those scrubs

back when block pen on 2hands is introduced

We are only asking for a fair share in battle.

Why too slow to put 2 passives MACE/AXE HAS CHANCE TO PENETRATE BLOCK ?

100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
Yes, you are right, I cant see any changes here. Still 55% block reduce on sword only. As said many times, block reduce should only be available for 2H users. How much reduce is needed to have a chance has to be tested out, but 55% seems way too much, I think 15-25% should be enough. And I say this as a block user :-)
Double 1h users are pretty not bad too, quite alot of them are underestimated.

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