Hopefully GGG will add races during the season break -- What races do you want to see?

GGG usually adds extra races in between the seasons. Hopefully they continue this since there's an expected 4 week gap (Janimuk might die from fapping). It's expected the patch will come in on March 5th and the races to start 2-3 weeks after that.

Hopefully they add some of the more fun races that appeal to most of the crowd. Personally some races i'd like to see are:

- 24 hour/ Open Descent Champs league
- 1 hour solo races (Vanilla)
- Descent Champs
- Wouldn't hurt to bring back Normal Descent
- 1 week race
- Preferably just normal endless ledge (no extra mods please)
- Different time interval races -- 40 minute solo, 75 minute fixed seed solo, 95 Minute solo.
- Race where 2 handers do 0 damage
- Race where spectral throw + leapslam do 0 damage.
- Cut throat races with a level cap.
Last edited by Rithz on Feb 22, 2014, 11:22:56 AM
Last one but HC. There is no challenge killing naked SC characters.

Also Void league Races where QS will be replaces by Phaserun.
Maybe a good time for a 1 week solo. And some old good descent races wouldn't hurt either
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
1 week solo in an MMORPG where do you live?
I'm really curious to see the discrepancy between solo and party, and considering how good it felt to play solo for me I'd like others to be forced to share my experience
Last edited by Pam on Feb 22, 2014, 10:44:23 AM
The only difference you will see are countless people getting butchered at Gearcheck Spots such as Dominus Cruel.

Hilbert wrote:
1 week solo in an MMORPG where do you live?

People wanted a 1 week solo, give the people what they want!
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
The devs received a LOT of (invisible) Feedback that players want to have a 1 week party race.

Not that a LOT with negative Feedback is the same as loot allocation or razer foodprints.

Since the Feedback isn't visible the devs seem to refer to


And those 3 users are the universal excuse.

No stash allowed race, so that the discrepancy between class/gem rewards for racing can be better looked at.
solo cutthroats with no glacial hammer

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