100min fixed

KoTao wrote:

I also like fixed seed for minimizing the effects of maphack. Zoomhack would have been a much bigger issue if the end zone were something other than sins or docks, but as is everyone will be able to reliably rush to the guaranteed blue packs anyway.

He's talking about zoomhacking so you can find blue packs while progressing, which is a huge advantage either way.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Not a fan of fixed seed at all. Really disappointed by this as it removes a lot of the skill of racing.

Those "skilled" players still have zoomhack to find mobs.

I wish that this would help, but this does nothing to stop zoomhacking for blue packs, and that is also a big issue

That could be fixed via fixed mobseeds or completely remove magic monsters.

I also like fixed seed for minimizing the effects of maphack. Zoomhack would have been a much bigger issue if the end zone were something other than sins or docks, but as is everyone will be able to reliably rush to the guaranteed blue packs anyway.

Crypt level 2/Catacombs also got fixed blues at the end of the dungeon.

And the times of WF being a winning zone is over after suiciders yield no experience anymore on detonation.

SlixSC wrote:
KoTao wrote:

I also like fixed seed for minimizing the effects of maphack. Zoomhack would have been a much bigger issue if the end zone were something other than sins or docks, but as is everyone will be able to reliably rush to the guaranteed blue packs anyway.

He's talking about zoomhacking so you can find blue packs while progressing, which is a huge advantage either way.

I know, but some mitigation is better than none. If this were a 75 min signature instead, we would be ending in sarn, with half the blue packs spawning in the upper areas where non map/zoom hackers dont go due to it being a waste of time and potentially dangerous. At least with a docks finish (much as im not looking forward to more mindless docks grinding at all) the majority of the xp grinding time will be on mostly equal footing.
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao on Jan 8, 2014, 8:35:49 AM
I know, but some mitigation is better than none. If this were a 75 min signature instead, we would be ending in sarn, with half the blue packs spawning in the upper areas where non map/zoom hackers dont go due to it being a waste of time and potentially dangerous.

Dangerous? For the witch you mean?

Especially with the new receipes the upper path is a joke.
IIRC I rolled a ~100 max dmg double axe an needed 3 hits to kill perpetus.

And everybody uses ST or Leapslam anyway besides the Templar.

I can tell you how the fixed seed will look like:
Get a rare Rustic Sash at the bear and hope for a whetstone or aug(forgot what you neeD) and roll a level 22-23 weapon with some ED.

If it isn't one of the dumb layout fixed seed races every major raer will sacrifice 2minutes to get a rare belt if a belt didn't drop earlier.

I like fixed seed, but not the same fixed seed for the whole season. Guess we'll see how it goes
Hilbert wrote:

I can tell you how the fixed seed will look like:
Get a rare Rustic Sash at the bear and hope for a whetstone or aug(forgot what you neeD) and roll a level 22-23 weapon with some ED.

FYI you do not get a rare rustic sash from the cave quest.
Last edited by Rithz on Jan 8, 2014, 4:42:35 PM
Rithz wrote:
Hilbert wrote:

I can tell you how the fixed seed will look like:
Get a rare Rustic Sash at the bear and hope for a whetstone or aug(forgot what you neeD) and roll a level 22-23 weapon with some ED.

FYI you do not get a rare rustic sash from the cave quest.

Also the time wasted doing cave means you would lose. In a record run, which signatures are all about, you would just have 2-3 alchs drop for you.

For someone who purports to be an expert in PoE, you are woefully misinformed at times.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
For that matter, if you dont have move boots or an extra quicksilver by act 2, youve already lost.

There hasnt been a side quest worth doing in solo races since mid cb.
IGN: KoTao
Unlike you I don't live in this game.

I got next to no clue what shrines or nemesis mods to because I am not playing outside of races.

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