[UMBRÄ] Exiles | End-Game ● Challenges ● Memes | Will Only Take New Members through Discord now ❤️

Are you willing to join our Discord Server?

Yes I have a Mic

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?


Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?

Legacy SC

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?

21 - 40 hours(sometimes more sometimes less)

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile

Fairly experienced

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)
Completed All Challenges in a Previous/Current Challenge League

Have not done any sadly.

In a few sentences, describe why you want to join the Umbra Exiles.

I would like to join Umbra Exiles because I am wanting to become competitive and play with others(mostly played solo up to now). I played a lot in beta then played off and on since, but now I am wanting to get really serious and am looking for a group to play with and get better with.
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes just for text chat/listening in

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?

Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?
Legacy SC

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?
21 - 40 hours, can play a lot more first week or two of league

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile
Fairly experienced

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)

+Completed All Challenges in a Previous/Current Challenge League
+Level to 100 on a Character
+Push Ladder with a Group Competitively (#21 BSC)
+Killed Uber Atziri

I want to join active guild to mapping, pushing ladder etc. in a good team.
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes I have a Mic

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?
US (central timezone)

Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?
Legacy SC, maybe some Legacy HC

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?
21 - 40 hours at least as long as I'm interested in the league. I'll probably stay interested for a fair portion of legacy league, especially if I become part of a guild such as this one.

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile[?]
Fairly experienced; I can theorycraft and have tried EQ, BV and totem builds

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)
Completed All Challenges in a Previous/Current Challenge League - nope, got 24/40 in Essence though
Level to 100 on a Character - nope
Push Ladder with a Group Competitively - nope
Killed Uber Atziri - no, but my most recent build can royally wipe the floor with normal Atziri
Race Competitively - tried it. didn't practice enough to be great, but I'll probably try again
PvP Competitively - definitely not

In a few sentences, describe why you want to join the Umbra Exiles.
The size and challenge completion of this guild shows that there's a great group of people to find here and play PoE with. I'm hoping to rotate masters, help builds progress and generally help and have fun with Umbra Exiles' members. I can prove to be a valuable asset if you'll have me.
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes I have a Mic, sometimes I have to be quiet though so can't always be talkin :)

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?

Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?

Legacy SC

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?
11 - 20 hours
21 - 40 hours
Depends on the week.

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile
Fairly experienced

Always gotten 36/40 challenges, never been obscenely rich but have accomplished my goals every league.

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)

Completed All Challenges in a Previous/Current Challenge League -yes
Push Ladder with a Group Competitively -yes
Killed Uber Atziri -yes
Race Competitively -yes

In a few sentences, describe why you want to join the Umbra Exiles.

I always see your guild in 820 (before it became the cesspool it is today) helping people out. Many players are quite skilled and helpful so I figured it would be a good guild to apply for.

My character name is Bus, I won't be playing too much in the downtime between leagues but feel free to pm me here if you have any questions :)
Last edited by o7z on Feb 27, 2017, 10:27:20 AM
Invitation sent to starcool. Guild is full atm sorry.
Greengroove's Loot Filter Scripts: poeurl.com/OMs
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes I have a Mic.. And, Yes just for text chat/listening in.
Sometimes i just wanna listen instead of talking all the time. I use the chat a lot.

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?
EU (normaly frankfurt or paris)

Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?
Legacy SC

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?
Its different, but some daily hours, and in the weekend, many hours:
0 - 10 hours
11 - 20 hours

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile
Fairly experienced - ive played some years.

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)
Completed All Challenges in a Previous/Current Challenge League - No, but completed 37 in breach - i wanted the demonic wings.
Level to 100 on a Character - hang on ill be there (lvlv 99 atm)
Push Ladder with a Group Competitively - no, but i will do that with this guild.
Killed Uber Atziri - yes.
Race Competitively - no.
PvP Competitively no.

In a few sentences, describe why you want to join the Umbra Exiles.
I know a good guy in this guild. ive been playing/chatting with him for a long time since start beginning of breachleague.
I wanna try out a good guild. - if youre not satisfied with me - you are welcome to kick me. But i hope you can use me.. I've played supporter (Necrobot) 2 leagues now.
Im planning to do a TS ranger at legacy league.

Sincerely - Dill
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes I have a Mic - not sure I can babble all day though, perfectly happy to text too.

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?
EU - I'm from Vienna

Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?
Legacy SC/Legacy HC (if I finish SC)

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?
30-40 hours - I play weekdays, morning till late afternoons, CET timezone.

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile
I play PoE on and off since Ambush, I think I'm fairly experienced, completed most of the challenges in the game.

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)
Completed All Challenges in a Previous/Current Challenge League - 37/40 was my best achievement
Level to 100 on a Character - No, I usually start a new char after 90/completing temp league, 100 grind is not my cup of tea...
Push Ladder with a Group Competitively - no, I've never been in a guild, played mostly solo up to this point, occasional #820 groups for masters/challenges
Killed Uber Atziri - yes, but does BV pathfinder count? ;/
Race Competitively - had a few top 25 / 5 class finishes
PvP Competitively - no pvp experience

In a few sentences, describe why you want to join the Umbra Exiles.
I'm hoping to find game savvy and skilled people that want to complete the temp league challenges with me in a quick and efficient manner. Good atmosphere would be a definitive plus ;)
Made some room in the guild in preparation for Legacy League, all people that applied have been sent invites in game.

Recruiting for Archnemesis League/Siege of the Atlas!
Umbra Exiles:
The Official Path of Exile Guild Directory:
Last edited by StDrakeX on Feb 28, 2017, 5:13:10 AM
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes I have a Mic

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?

Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?
Legacy SC

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?
21 - 40 hours

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile
Fairly experienced
I have played a bit over the years since release, but breach was the first league I really experienced end game. I couldn't finish all the challenges because of my exams, but I intend to get all the rewards this time.

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)

In a few sentences, describe why you want to join the Umbra Exiles.

I want to play with more experienced players and learn everything I can. I'm very interested in group play, challenges and playing more competitively in general. I am a very social player and am looking forward playing the next league with like-minded people :)
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes I have a Mic

Which Gateway/Region do you play on?
EU (France)

Which League are you planning to play with Umbra Exiles?
Legacy SC

On average, how many hours of Path of Exile do you play a week?
21 - 40 hours
41+ Hours!

How would you describe your experience level in Path of Exile
Complete Veteran Player

Have you ever completed the following goals in Path of Exile? (You may check multiple boxes)
Completed Challenges for cosmetic
Push Ladder with a Group Competitively

In a few sentences, describe why you want to join the Umbra Exiles.
I'm looking for a band to go to the end game. A friend of your guild told me about your guild or my candidacy. I would like to start the next league with a good group.

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