PVP Ranking to Path of Exile - (for now)


This is a little program i wrote to enable ranking while dueling in Path of Exile. The system relies on trust to work but all data is open for everyone to see to detect cheating.

The service relies on two parts, one ingame bot that retrives messages from the chat and one website where you are able to see ranking, last duels, logging and so on.

There is no need for registering on the website as your character is added if it dosent exists the first time a duel is confirmed.

So this is how it goes.

1. Player1 challenges Player2 to a duel and they proceeds to fight eachother as usual.

2. One of them, dosent matter. Registers the duel by typing
in #global 888 on Standard Softcore Leauge

3. The opponent that didnt register the duel writes Confirmed or Reject to either confirm or reject the registered duel.

4. Success! The duel is added to the website and rating calculated according to previous rating.

There are more information about commands on the website, see the About section.

Rating Calculation
To calculate the rating i use the ELO system that is also used by WoW, LoL, and ofcourse the international chess organisation for wich is was created. See Wikipedia for more info!

This is still considered ALPHA but i wanted to throw it out here to see if someone is intressted. havent put more than a days work into it atm.

Planning to fix next:
Allow inspection of each registered characters latest duels and rating changes
Last edited by PoERanks on Mar 24, 2014, 6:51:51 PM
Whops! Was meant to post that with this account instead of the bot account used to read the chat. But just ask if you got any questions or suggestions. All feedback is welcome, even "This sucks, go home man!" But i will ask you to elaborate that a bit more :) Contact me ingame @BurningCorona or here.
Can you add this for softcore?
ก็็็็็็็็็็IGN:Varanice(90 EA Marauder); Aura_Amoureux (8X LL Aurastack Cyclone Scion)
Softore Shop Thread #665265 -Uniques, Race Rewards, Gems, and more.
I also play LLD PvP in SC, and race as Witch or occasionally Scion.
I can add this for every league you want, I havent up until recently before the duel feature in 1.0.4 even glanced at PvP so i dont know where the most active players recide.

By Softcore i assume you mean Standard League?

EDIT: The Bot now recides in #global 888 in the standard softcore league!
Last edited by Umaycry on Dec 29, 2013, 9:12:13 AM
PoERanks wrote:

2. One of them, dosent matter. Registers the duel by typing
in #global 888 on Standard Softcore Leauge

3. The opponent that didnt register the duel writes Confirmed or Reject to either confirm or reject the registered duel.

I think this is a great idea. However, if the loser doesn't confirm the loss then it doesn't get counted?

I could see this being a big problem since there are many poor sports who play pvp and unfortunately would never admit to a loss. Especially during rage quits in the middle of a match, which is quite common.

Hopefully I understood what you wrote there. Please correct if wrong.
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76 on Dec 29, 2013, 10:37:06 AM
Firebrand76 wrote:
PoERanks wrote:

2. One of them, dosent matter. Registers the duel by typing
in #global 888 on Standard Softcore Leauge

3. The opponent that didnt register the duel writes Confirmed or Reject to either confirm or reject the registered duel.

I think this is a great idea. However, if the loser doesn't confirm the loss then it doesn't get counted?

I could see this being a big problem since there are many poor sports who play pvp and unfortunately would never admit to a loss. Especially during rage quits in the middle of a match, which is quite common.

Hopefully I understood what you wrote there. Please correct if wrong.

Ive thought of that aswell but without a confirmation from the opponent the winner could just spam the chat and win as fast as he could spam. I understand that everyone ragequits one time or another but i dont know any good way to work around the problem.

My thought was that those who are truly serious about pvp and to get a high ranking can also accept that someone else beat them and confirm the loss.

But if anyone got a better idea, let me know!
Is there a way to seperate level 28 pvp from high level pvp?

ก็็็็็็็็็็IGN:Varanice(90 EA Marauder); Aura_Amoureux (8X LL Aurastack Cyclone Scion)
Softore Shop Thread #665265 -Uniques, Race Rewards, Gems, and more.
I also play LLD PvP in SC, and race as Witch or occasionally Scion.
nice, op
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Varanice wrote:
Is there a way to seperate level 28 pvp from high level pvp?

Yes, but i think that will require a separate registration on the website/ingame since all i do is read the chat and sort by keywords. This is another step wich i dont really like but it would also allow me to distinguish between different leagues aswell as high/lowlevel pvp.

One thing i could do to smoothen out the proccess would be to allow dueling where one part in registred but the other one is not and when the duel is confirmed, i can assume that the opponent was in the same league running the same bracket.

How does that sound?
Implementing different brackets and leagues as described in the previous post now so the bot will be down over new years eve and probably a day after. It all depends on how good the party is tonight ;)

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