Pvp queue system needs to be changed !

It's almost impossible nowadays to get high lvl pvps going with the new pvp feature, there's always lvl 28's sitting in open pvp queue 1v1 and 3v3s. How are we supose to get high lvl or 3v3 going if we have a lvl 28 in our matches breaking the teams everytime ? Dueling option is far from being the answer to fixing this pvp system we need open zone already so we can have real competition going and balanced team matchups. Everytime i try to high lvl pvp in open queue all i'm getting is lvl 28's all the time non stop.

There should atleast be a level category for each pvp queue, giving low levels access to open high lvl pvp makes no sense at all and completely unbalances the pvp system, why the fuck am i getting matched up against lvl 28's when i'm lvl 90 this shows how broken the system is

We need open zone pvp already to atleast have balanced matchups and free for all option, i was thinking about a simple open zone arena map for each level category that you can grab from npc anytime. We could put for example the lvl 70-100 map in the eternal laboratory and get there to meet players of our level range, there should also be a safe zone where players can meet and interact and decide who you want to fight or get out the safe zone and to do ffa action. I also think there should be an hostility button and party invite option. there should be an npc dedicated to queue matchups for people that dont want to free for all. Players could simply interact with players of their actual level range, guild wars could easily happen there without any problem, dueling option would actually be much more usefull than right now.

i'm going to take a break from pvp until we get some love a bit.

IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Dec 27, 2013, 5:12:30 PM
alrdy made a thread about that few days ago. Seems like nobody cares, it's rly damn annoying though.
Last edited by Xantaria on Dec 26, 2013, 3:39:56 PM
Just one waypoint to just one open pvp landscape, please. Leave the rest of the game safe and invaderless. Let people control instance into this area like town and have a maximum of 6 players. Make the waypoint and some surrounding space around it a safe zone, leave it and its fair game. We've all beaten this subject to death so many times its ground into dust by now, been resurrected and re-beaten over and over and over. This is the target you guys keep missing. No seriously pvp's wants queued crap and no one that seriously pvps wants hc suck-throat league 1death back to standard naked bull shit either. The social aspect people bring up is also very important. At the moment you blindly queue up and really outside of friends/enemies just blinding asking for duels from people. You get so much more with an open pvp alternative, you join...shit happens..it all just falls into place. And little joey pvm magic finder can still keep grinding away at his lvl 66maps unharmed and not earless. Oh...be cool and please add ears + microtransaction or something to display them aswell. Or some other form of trophy...faces? fingers? Doesn't matter something is better then nothing.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Dec 26, 2013, 3:59:51 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
It's almost impossible nowadays to get high lvl pvps going with the new pvp feature, there's always lvl 28's sitting in open pvp queue 1v1 and 3v3s. How the fuck are we supose to get high lvl or 3v3 going if we have a damn lvl 28 in our matches breaking the teams everytime ? Dueling option is far from being the answer to fixing this pvp system we need open zone already so we can have real competition going and balanced team matchups. Everytime i try to high lvl pvp in open queue all i'm getting is lvl 28's all the time non stop.

There should atleast be a level category for each pvp queue, giving low levels access to open high lvl pvp makes no sense at all and completely unbalances the pvp system, why the fuck am i getting matched up against lvl 28's when i'm lvl 90 this shows how super broken the system is at the moment.

We need open zone pvp already to atleast have balanced matchups and free for all option, i was thinking about a simple open zone arena map for each level category that you can grab from npc anytime. We could put for example the lvl 70-100 map in the eternal laboratory and get there to meet players of our level range, there should also be a safe zone where players can meet and interact and decide who you want to fight or get out the safe zone and to do ffa action. I also think there should be an hostility button and party invite option. there should be an npc dedicated to queue matchups for people that dont want to free for all. Players could simply interact with players of their actual level range, guild wars could easily happen there without any problem, dueling option would actually be much more usefull than right now.

I guess this is all dreams and GGG is never going to listen to this anytime soon, or who knows maybe in 3 years this is going to be implented ? I better take a break from this pvp shit and come back when it's better than what it is right now. . .



I know you aren't new but bro all the main pvpers are on break and have been on one for some time because of the same problems which have been discussed 100 times. They all check back in once in awhile to see whats going on with pvp, but its going to take a long time to become functional. Tournaments are a good solution. I suggest people with complaints come around about it with a constructive manner because the forums are changing and I imagine GGG is not going to even participate in hostile threads. So search for the relevant threads which have been created talking about open area pvp, do some research on what the devs have said in the past because they have already answered the open area diablo 2 style pvp question before and its not going to happen in their current creative state of mind. The only way we will get them to listen is a thread gaining popularity with everyone saying the same thing in a constructive positive manner. Otherwise they will just start locking threads and dis acknowledge us even more.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Dec 26, 2013, 6:03:50 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
It's almost impossible nowadays to get high lvl pvps going with the new pvp feature, there's always lvl 28's sitting in open pvp queue 1v1 and 3v3s. How the fuck are we supose to get high lvl or 3v3 going if we have a damn lvl 28 in our matches breaking the teams everytime ? Dueling option is far from being the answer to fixing this pvp system we need open zone already so we can have real competition going and balanced team matchups. Everytime i try to high lvl pvp in open queue all i'm getting is lvl 28's all the time non stop.

There should atleast be a level category for each pvp queue, giving low levels access to open high lvl pvp makes no sense at all and completely unbalances the pvp system, why the fuck am i getting matched up against lvl 28's when i'm lvl 90 this shows how super broken the system is at the moment.

We need open zone pvp already to atleast have balanced matchups and free for all option, i was thinking about a simple open zone arena map for each level category that you can grab from npc anytime. We could put for example the lvl 70-100 map in the eternal laboratory and get there to meet players of our level range, there should also be a safe zone where players can meet and interact and decide who you want to fight or get out the safe zone and to do ffa action. I also think there should be an hostility button and party invite option. there should be an npc dedicated to queue matchups for people that dont want to free for all. Players could simply interact with players of their actual level range, guild wars could easily happen there without any problem, dueling option would actually be much more usefull than right now.

I guess this is all dreams and GGG is never going to listen to this anytime soon, or who knows maybe in 3 years this is going to be implented ? I better take a break from this pvp shit and come back when it's better than what it is right now. . .



I know you aren't new but bro all the main pvpers are on break and have been on one for some time because of the same problems which have been discussed 100 times. They all check back in once in awhile to see whats going on with pvp, but its going to take a long time to become functional. Tournaments are a good solution. I suggest people with complaints come around about it with a constructive manner because the forums are changing and I imagine GGG is not going to even participate in hostile threads. So search for the relevant threads which have been created talking about open area pvp, do some research on what the devs have said in the past because they have already answered the open area diablo 2 style pvp question before and its not going to happen in their current creative state of mind. The only way we will get them to listen is a thread gaining popularity with everyone saying the same thing in a constructive positive manner. Otherwise they will just start locking threads and dis acknowledge us even more.

they just dont listen us. since the first day of release (1+ year ago) all said pvp sucked and was unbalanced. lot of ppl gave costructive criticism and provided solutions too. we are just tired of speaking 24/7 of the same 2-3 problems of pvp and never receive an answer, or well yeah, how many times we read in the patch notes something about pvp? but basically since 1 year nothing has changed, just some minor changes to some skills.
im seeing the decadence of this game day by day. time ago there were lot of ppl watching PoE streams on twitch, now there are 700 ppl if we are lucky... i refuse to see a game that had lot of potential that has less ppl playing than world of tanks, hon and smite. u failed, ggg.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Tempallo I am a avid pvper and have been since the start closed beta/late alpha when it hardly existed. GGG is still young, they are still popular but I definitely agree with hauntworld and some of the other players...instead of bringing a bunch of whining to the forums constantly saying the same thing we need to take a break so they see the decrease in population and possibly narrow it down to why people arent playing.

I think anyone quitting around this point in the games existence isnt really quitting because they dont enjoy the games PvE but most likely because they are bored of grinding and have no Competitive mode that rewards a player vs player (and partially because desynch ; ). I think it is becomming more noticeable to GGG especially through lack of streamers on twitch, not saying there isnt any but, definitely less than open beta which is weird because there is now more content. Many people are acting like GGG didnt make this game for pvp and it will never work and actually talk smack to me in game because I promote it so much. I cant even tell anyone how annoying this is. PvP has been talked about in this game since alpha but has been so slow to come around... I think its because of diversity in tree, gems, and gear. There are many builds that can be made but the gear in this game is HARD to find because the range rolls are slightly against the player. Builds pop out of nowhere, people say something wont work because they have not seen the gear in action and then all of a sudden cry that its OP.

I think balancing is not really the problem but motivating players to play and grind for pvp is the problem. I have farmed so much in anticipation and for what? Its hard to say but I hope it was worth it. I imagine many other players stopped way before me because they sensed it was going to take too long for any pvp league promotion. End of rant and point of story, this game is worth checking back on but I wont blame any of you if you stop logging in and just chime in on the forums once in awhile in anticipation for the features we all care about so much.

The most fun I have pvping in this game now is playing against myself. I farmed so many builds worth of gear that now I can make characters on other accounts and fight my best characters against eachother with the help of someone else commanding the other account. I get some INSANE fights which make me wish more people took it as serious as the few of us do.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Dec 27, 2013, 4:55:03 PM
I agree with pretty much everything you guy's are saying, on my point of view i really think GGG should now focus on exactly what grindcoreTHRALL just said

we need to take a break so they see the decrease in population and possibly narrow it down to why people arent playing.

GGG Needs to realize what people wants at this point of advancement in Path of exile, if we had a balanced and optimized pvp system things would be much different. With open zone area for each level category they would be amazed of how the population increase would shoot up like crazy. At this point of the game myself i pretty much did every end game possible thing to do since closed beta when it required a key to play. I killed every boss in the game, crafted godly items myself and did every high lvl thing there is at the moment. And i'm pretty much getting bored of it already and i feel like if this was diablo 2 how would you feel if it didn't had the FFA hostile zone pvp system ? I certainly would'nt have played d2 for over 5 years if PvP wasnt so competitive and strong. They need to realize at this point what players want is competitive/balanced/optimized FFA pvp like we mention all the time.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Dec 27, 2013, 5:23:02 PM
we need to take a break so they see the decrease in population and possibly narrow it down to why people arent playing.

Can the community get any smaller though really? I remember at the beginning of open beta the lld 3v3 queues would be jammed all day. You could literally play 3v3's back to back for hours on end with no organizing.

The pvp community is what... less than 10%(if not much less) of what it used to be almost a year ago? Granted, pvp was a novelty for many back then but for it to turn so many people away since, has to point to serious problems in retention of pvp'ers.
IGN: _Firebitch
Think I saw in National Geographic we're amongst the endangered species. This population can't get much smaller then it aleady is. I don't know what the exact number is of people that pvp, but id guess its under 100. Or I just have the most insane luck (my luck sucks) and see the same 5-10 people daily on America server.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
hauntworld1 wrote:
I agree with pretty much everything you guy's are saying, on my point of view i really think GGG should now focus on exactly what grindcoreTHRALL just said

we need to take a break so they see the decrease in population and possibly narrow it down to why people arent playing.

GGG Needs to realize what people wants at this point of advancement in Path of exile, if we had a balanced and optimized pvp system things would be much different. With open zone area for each level category they would be amazed of how the population increase would shoot up like crazy. At this point of the game myself i pretty much did every end game possible thing to do since closed beta when it required a key to play. I killed every boss in the game, crafted godly items myself and did every high lvl thing there is at the moment. And i'm pretty much getting bored of it already and i feel like if this was diablo 2 how would you feel if it didn't had the FFA hostile zone pvp system ? I certainly would'nt have played d2 for over 5 years if PvP wasnt so competitive and strong. They need to realize at this point what players want is competitive/balanced/optimized FFA pvp like we mention all the time.

I completely agree some sorta of FFA or more casual pvp system needs to be implemented. If it was social and chaotic it wouldnt matter who always had the very best gear, people would gang up just like d2 to take them on, which would solve some of the unbalance which ruins peoples ability to casually pvp and have fun. Idc about casual I care about population and actually being able to pvp, I just think I know what most people want as well from reading on these forums. Tourneys will be cool but CTF or King of the hill or something needs to be put into play so it doesnt require long waits in the queue. Maybe make a FFA matchmaking system that gathers everyone into 1 queue and if it meets a certain population, say 5 total, in the queue it starts a timer. If more people dont join the queue to increase the game mode size, to lets say 8, the queue launches and any more than the 5 people who entered the match are re-queued the same way. Maybe not perfect but it keeps people from waiting forever, keeps the matchmaking queues population in 1 game mode so 3 people arent in 3v3 and 2 in 6v6 and 1 in 1v1 all not getting matches.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug

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