Rock, Paper, Scissors in PVP

are life flask nodes considered a necessity in merc pvp? fo lyfe baulds

instant recovery on low life
Last edited by exmse on Nov 27, 2013, 5:19:13 AM
exmse wrote:
are life flask nodes considered a necessity in merc pvp? fo lyfe baulds

I'm not aware of anyone who gets them. You could get a lot of mileage out of Cautious Halloweds if you pop them when running away and regenning from low life, but really the amount of life restoration from flasks isn't much compared to the incoming DPS and your total HP pool.

Firebrand76 wrote:

The two exceptions I've seen are... a level 90 2h ~750 dps crit sword user with legacy Kaom's that destroys pretty much all block builds. Main attacks are cyclone and flicker. Also some heavy strike here and there.

Actually I've been wondering about this. Considering you can kill a maxblock 6k HP character in a single cyclone pass Mulla, are you saying that block builds still beat you in 1v1?
Last edited by aimlessgun on Nov 27, 2013, 4:46:18 AM
Anyone claiming PvP is anyway near balanced have never tried getting an elemental caster to be decent for it..

Block is broken only way not to see it is to be a blocker yourself or use the one of the skills the devs forgot to fix the block interaction for (ea and bt).
Block is intended to be countered by DoT imo. You can't block a Poison Arrow cloud or Burning Ground, and it doesn't trigger Aegis Aurora either.

The Problem so far was just the lack of possibilities to specialize in DoT-skills. With the upcoming DoT changes in 1.0.2 I think, that block builds will become easier to counter. It would be nice if skills like Searing Bond or Poison Arrow would become viable for that purpose.

But I have to agree, that block is overall a little bit too strong. The fact, that you have to have a way to deal with this mechanic further decreases the possibility of viable pvp builds imo.
aimlessgun wrote:
exmse wrote:
are life flask nodes considered a necessity in merc pvp? fo lyfe baulds

I'm not aware of anyone who gets them. You could get a lot of mileage out of Cautious Halloweds if you pop them when running away and regenning from low life, but really the amount of life restoration from flasks isn't much compared to the incoming DPS and your total HP pool.

Firebrand76 wrote:

The two exceptions I've seen are... a level 90 2h ~750 dps crit sword user with legacy Kaom's that destroys pretty much all block builds. Main attacks are cyclone and flicker. Also some heavy strike here and there.

Actually I've been wondering about this. Considering you can kill a maxblock 6k HP character in a single cyclone pass Mulla, are you saying that block builds still beat you in 1v1?

Nah I don't lose to block builds. With the recent nerf to -block nodes though I went from 80% to 55% so theres still alot of chances where people block resulting in me healing them+eating reflected damage until I get through. Regarding the other part of the qoute, versus Firebrand I desynch like mad. Hes rarely ever where he is on my screen so its the most uphill battle I have in pvp. Everyone/everything else is pretty normal. Was funny when I asked him about what Big does to beat him and it was coincidently something I tried already countless times. Chalking it up as a GGG fumble, no disrespect to Firebrand here. Guys very cool and I wont downplay his skills. Just wish upon tournament release they implement a better arena concept with less desynch creating crap on the floorplan.

Regarding me vs block again though. The problem lies in the fact I have almost 2x the hp and likely more dps then they do. But still because of the items/skills favoring the mechanic itself i.e aegis/anvil/tempest I am still wittling myself down while healing them. This goes on long enough my hp starts to steadily go lower and lower while theres spikes up and down up and down. If the guy had a good weapon I could likely still lose if I didn't get that sweet spot hit in when it mattered. Plus my arguement regarding block limits the amount of viable pvp builds a TON. Im sure you've seen my thread I made yesterday. Bottomline is you have to either try to copy and paste my Marauder/Firebrands EA scion or go block yourself caster or melee whatever your preference. Because nothing is going to beat it very clean if at all otherwise. Bigs strategy is very unorthodox and boring but he manages to get the job done with an axe based on 3 things. He has very good gear,avoids contact as much as possible and sorry to say it Big but bores the shit out of you with his playstyle til you basically just want to stop dueling haha. I don't know his track record vs who though so maybe he struggles vs block as much as id expect someone without -block would.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Nov 27, 2013, 7:51:24 AM
Apokalyxio wrote:
Block is intended to be countered by DoT imo. You can't block a Poison Arrow cloud or Burning Ground, and it doesn't trigger Aegis Aurora either.

The Problem so far was just the lack of possibilities to specialize in DoT-skills. With the upcoming DoT changes in 1.0.2 I think, that block builds will become easier to counter. It would be nice if skills like Searing Bond or Poison Arrow would become viable for that purpose.

But I have to agree, that block is overall a little bit too strong. The fact, that you have to have a way to deal with this mechanic further decreases the possibility of viable pvp builds imo.

Thats a solution vs hp based blockers..Whats your answer to ci or es blocks ingeneral that ignore chaos damage? Pvp isn't meant to be balanced it never will be. They also cant tweak every single pvm item and skill to allow for that dream balance people think is achievable. Fighting games are never balanced, pvp is never balanced unless you use the term loosely in regards to games that use pvp specific gear thats all the same crap just on a different character type. But then again same gear, ok you solved one problem but now what? Oh wait they all have different skills...ya can't even go there. Implementing a -block gem will solve every single issue people have in this games pvp I guarantee it. Pvp balance is what you make of it based on your talents,build type and gear choices. Right now only a few builds can make it seem that way, add a block gem and magically almost every other build becomes semi to completely viable based on your skill of choice. Thus allowing pvp to be a matter of the things listed above, gear/skill/talent not hard counter vs hard counter by design flaw and the items designed to act a certain way in pvm are no longer without effort acting even better in pvp. You will have a tool to get around all of your issues because like I said frankly the only issue in pvp is block chance being far too good and providing far too many options. This benefits blockers just as it would non blockers, everyone wins.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
I think dual-weapon players must have change vs both: one-hand high dps weapon players and max block players, I suggest 2 passive skill for the passive three: the 1st one is: Reduce 35% enemy's block whit dual weapons, and the second one is : 10% of physical damage add as extra lithing damage in dual weapons+ 10% chance to chock.
What do you think?

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