Life Leech, Bloodless & CI Problem In PvP

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This sounds really odd. I'll have to test it. Are you sure you aren't leaching at all, instead only leeching small amounts because PvP dps is so much lower than PvE dps?

Because obviously mana leech works perfectly fine, and I *think* you can leech on ES in PvE, so this is very strange if true.
aimlessgun wrote:
This sounds really odd. I'll have to test it. Are you sure you aren't leaching at all, instead only leeching small amounts because PvP dps is so much lower than PvE dps?

Because obviously mana leech works perfectly fine, and I *think* you can leech on ES in PvE, so this is very strange if true.

Exactly why we found it strange aswell, however me and the OP have recently tested it again after patch 1.0.0 and it seems that the leech is now working, and no it wasn't from a DPS gain or loss I actually had more phsyical damage pre 1.0.0
IGN: DamagePerSecond

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