ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder

I'm wondering if suiciders are impossible to dodge/block/evade? I.e those suiciders at 74 map domi that killed med last night!
The explosion is a spell afaik
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
Autocthon wrote:
The explosion is a spell afaik

Well, i have 55% spellblock and phase acrobatics and they seem to always go through, which led me to think that they were unblockable/undodgable?
Xeneize wrote:
erimin5 wrote:
Is Aegie Aurora useful for this build?

IMO it will be a waste, Aegis shines with big ES and Armor builds, this build lacks both... If you want Aegis, you'll want to also get Iron Reflexes, in other words, Aegis goes against the basics of this build.....

Best shield for this build is either the one Tiurakh uses for spell block or a very high Eva shield... Over 1k would be good.

What Xeneize said. You need high armor for Aegis to work well. For this build you should use Rathpith Globe, or Atziri's Mirror, or a high evasion shield. Very few people use evasion shields so you can usually find a great shield for very cheap (get high evasion, life and resistances on the shield).
elitekami wrote:
I want to thank you for that build.

i'm using that chest but i can't get 4 red sockets ever. Any tips for me for more dps ?
I actually dislike using blind not link into double strike. Mines are not comfortable and the totem just dies.
im lvl 81

i use hatred and purity.

here the rest of my gear
Soul taker is a lot of Exalt and nothing is in my budget to get a better wep i think.
Also i don't got any problem regarding the spell block should i need to change for rainbowstrides still?


Constructed comments are welcome !

Hi, thanks for trying the build. Try swapping out green Mana Leech gem for something like Faster Attacks, or Culling Strike - this will give you more DPS. What level is your Flame Totem? It needs to be a high level so that it doesn't die easily. Try linking it with GMP, Faster Casting and Blind.

If you can get another red socket on your chest (4R2G)- try adding in Life Gain on Hit or Melee Physical Damage on Full Life.

If you want spell block, start off with amulet Stone Lazhwar - it is super cheap and gives you some spell block. However, if you are not having problems with spells yet then there is no need to change your setup.
Lanfear88 wrote:
Autocthon wrote:
The explosion is a spell afaik

Well, i have 55% spellblock and phase acrobatics and they seem to always go through, which led me to think that they were unblockable/undodgable?

I don't think it is a spell because I too have gotten hit by these way too much even with max spell block. It does not seem to be a spell. I think it is similar to the explosion from Explosive Arrow which you cannot block as far as I know. You can block/dodge the arrows, but the explosion from the arrows cannot be blocked.

I also tried curse removal to remove the Burning Mark from Dominus, but that did not work.

Best is just to easily avoid them with Leap Slam/Whirling Blades. Temp. chains is also a good curse to use in these cases.
Last edited by Ceryneian on Feb 4, 2014, 9:03:37 PM
Just hit level 67 last evening and put on my BoR and bam! My dps went up 25%!

Been absolutely rocking through the levels and I am already doing 70maps now.

Currently level 69 and dps is 13.5k.

Btw, for those who have mana issues (non Soul-Taker), might want to try using a mana leech gem (20/20) to replace ur life gain on hit. I realised my Double Strike mana cost drop to 50 instead of 74 after I swapped out the gem. A 2% health leech ring/glove will suffice with all those avoidance/block/evasion etc

For Dominus I can actually face-tank his lightning bolt (or whatever it is call) by popping a health flask and topaz flask together.

IGN - Duck_Ya
Ceryneian wrote:
Xeneize wrote:
erimin5 wrote:
Is Aegie Aurora useful for this build?

IMO it will be a waste, Aegis shines with big ES and Armor builds, this build lacks both... If you want Aegis, you'll want to also get Iron Reflexes, in other words, Aegis goes against the basics of this build.....

Best shield for this build is either the one Tiurakh uses for spell block or a very high Eva shield... Over 1k would be good.

What Xeneize said. You need high armor for Aegis to work well. For this build you should use Rathpith Globe, or Atziri's Mirror, or a high evasion shield. Very few people use evasion shields so you can usually find a great shield for very cheap (get high evasion, life and resistances on the shield).

I have Atziri's Mirror but didnt really like it, instead i am using this.

passed down from my IB marauder XD
IGN - Duck_Ya
hey man, grreat build, im running frenzy mode with soul taker atm , im wondering about new unique gloves introduced in last patch: snakebite, have u already test it? is it viable for a frenzy build? or is it better for this ranger build than ias rare? im using actually those gloves, i got similar aps + life and! + bonus res

snake got bonus to accuracy, which i can get from nodes eg. Slice and Dice, what u think guys?
Last edited by mall78 on Feb 6, 2014, 5:53:12 AM
@OP have you tried the Labyrinth Map ?

I just tried today and got absolutely annihilated by the boss. I was like 2 shotted? This is my "first" real death since playing this build so far.

It's like i don't even stand a single chance at all.

I have 18k dps, 75% block, capped resists, 3k hp and got killed in like 2secs?
IGN - Duck_Ya

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