Your Two Most Valuable Items: Post Them

I just like them. :)

Tough to say between those 3. The 6L chest is definitely my favorite though

The shield is a core item on one character and the belt on two.

I just like them. :)

Sexy ring
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.

I've got two of Mightflay, but this is the better rolled one. Daresso's Salute is an amazing compliment to my life gain on hit cleaver.

IGN: Lady_Serena

I know these are kinda sought after, but I admit Im clueless as to the real worth. Lucky I dont trade much then ;)

edit: just re-read the OP, Im slow like that. Lets pretend I only put up two items or just pick the two most valuable (in your eyes) and pretend the third is invisible, like the emperors clothes... actually, that would be an awesome armour unique.
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Last edited by AnaLoGMunKy on Sep 26, 2013, 4:15:35 AM
if I don't consider uniques ( like Kaom,Shav etc ) my favorite rare today is :

IGN TylordRampage

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