Post your best find of the day!

I wanna showcase a harvest craft I made basically just to help out a guildmate... though I think I might've SLIGHTLY underestimated the value of this thing...

crafting process and future plans if someone's interested
I used two essences and got lucky with the crit chance roll.

I then removed the fire res it had rolled (which tuned into the attack speed) and then crit augmented it, getting crit multi.
Since I still had a "remove non-crit, add crit" craft and the item had a tiny phys roll, the chance of getting a really good outcome was quite good (the attack speed isn't the best and the phys is completely irrelevant, while CoC was the only crit mod left in the pool).

Then a small mastercraft (since I don't have the support gem craft at +2 yet) after that and this is the result.

Now I gotta add white sockets, improve the ias and get a quality increases elemental damage craft.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.

Delve "hidden treasures" chest.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Nice SSF luck this league:
After ~15 leagues I've finally found a breach ring I would consider using:
Not quite sure why this has a Shaper's Seed art on it, unfortunately its not a great item:
Not quite sure why this has a Shaper's Seed art on it, unfortunately its not a great item:

The art is no real surprise, you droped a Shaper's Seed that was corrupted by a map mod/strong box corruption or the like and it got corrupted into a rare item.
Random max rolled dps jewel

Just crafted this
I never lose.
Either I win
Or I learn
- Nelson Mandela
From the same map boss:

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