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LePvPMaster wrote:
FIreskull wrote:
LePvPMaster wrote:
I made a full damage firestorm Witch. It was pretty good damage since I could offscreen cast like RoA but the cast time is too lomg at our level and it makes it too hard to kite.
Searing bond is pretty much like Decoy Totem, but I'll try. Probably going to be the same or similar passive tree as the Firestorm witch LOL

Searing bond is affected by burning damage tho.

Is it burning damage only or fire damage too? I'm on my phone so can't look.

Im fairly sure that fire damage does not affect it. Not 100 tho. I also think that the Vulnerability curse with 40 increased damage from over time skill effects Work with it.

Just tested it. The Tool tip does not go up when u use either burning damage or fire damage. But since you are burning the enemeis with searing bond it will increase that damage. I know that vulnerability stacks with ground fire cuz I played a immolation race where the crabs in coves inflict you with vulnerability... and when they die they make the ground fire. I was taking waay more damage from ground fire when I had the curse on me. So its basically like the ground fire from a fire trap. Very similar to viper strike aswell. You can increase the damage of viper strike with vulnerability but of course it wont show up on the Tool tip. So I Wonder if 40 percent burning damage is the same as the bonus from vulnerability.

U pretty much haft to use searing touch.

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