Sereous question: will there be a pvp patch in the future?

I agree a few builds outshine the rest but I think its gettin better ; )
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Firebrand76 wrote:
Taken from the development manifesto area, dated April 12, 2013...

"There's also a PvP revamp coming! We're looking at the following areas of improvement:

PvP balance tweaks (without breaking the existing PvE balance)
Proper rankings and PvP ladders
Scheduled tournaments (for example, single elimination)
More PvP modes (eventually modes like Capture the Flag)
Specific skills designed to mitigate dominant builds in PvP. It's intended to be a lot like an MTG metagame
More arenas and tilesets"

that would be awesome. wtb pvp ladders!
SunPrice wrote:
sorry but GGG is slow as snail, I think they ll focus on pvp section in the next 2-3 years.
Take Beta as example, the game has been in beta for more than 2 years till now.

They already said that there is a PvP Patch coming close to the date of the 3rd/4th race season.
Also, I don't think they are slow as a snail as you put in there; they are much faster than many other developers, and what is more impressive is the quality that they offer.
"The harder the game, the better."
Few months? I think
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)

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