Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

hey guys,i found a conflict between blasphemy and cast on shock,is this a bug?
Some reviews I have now that I have properly played it for a while:

1 Item rarity problem is Huge. I had to change my whole itemization with almost zero item rarity to add some cos I had 0 divines dropped since I started. Feel so mandatory.

2 I have 2 screens running. One with discord or trade and one with the game.
Sometimes the game minimizes for no reason. I still havent be abble to find out why this is happening.

3 Market prizes are way too high already. I had the issue that I had to stop playing for a week since my job demanded me some extra hours in xmax. When I got back to the game, all worth at lest 1 divine and exalted orbs worth pretty much nothing.
Since I had 0 item rarity in my itemization, is being really hard to find cheap items with decent stats + item rarity. MArket is almost unafordable for people in my situation.

Having 0 ways to obtain elemental resistances in the skilltree is really weird to me. I used to get some resist there always to leave some space for more interesting mods in the items. However, right now, there are not much affixes to pick from.
Most of my items are life-mana-resistances- item rarity. Then there are a few with spirit, some regeneration, and some minion stuff since Im a witch. But pretty much thats all.

Most of the interesting stuff is in corruption right now. I miss betrayal, alva modifiers, etc...

I dnt like the crafting system at all.
Only thing u can do is play chaos spam, or go back to the begining making it a blank item. There´s no crafting bench at all or any metacrafting...
I miss old alterations a lot. At lest I were abble to set 2 tier 1 before making it a rare item and even looking for the third one with regal + scouring were not expensive and it were very usefull.
Chaos spam were an option... But I always prefered exalted-annul for the same result.

Maybe bring back annul orbs would b a good idea since the exalted is that cheap right now.

There is 2 much investing needed to do maps.
I spend more exalteds making maps with 6 affixes than for actually crafting, and most of the time is not even worthy to do so...
Alchemy orbs are not that common, wich is a huge mistake and when u disenchant u get regals instead of alchemy...

u forcing us to spend an alteration, a transmutation, a regal and 3 exalted per map wich is a nonsense.
In poe 1 I were using 1 alch and maybe 1 chaos if I didnt like the affixes normally and some chisels if I wanted to juice them.

I see the IU is much clearer now. However there are still things to improve there.

Going to gems...
Some interactions are a bit weird still and sometimes Im still not sure if them being aplyed or not.
Minion displays are a mess. Specially SRS. I dnt know what damage them do and also I dnt know what stats or effects the little scorpions raised from unerath get.
Yesterday I were triying to do contagion with the support that make chaos damage apply freeze buildup. Im not really sure if it were working since I didnt freeze anyone at any point and my arsonists+srs+dog were burning everything around me. So who knows..

Also what arsonist throw are granades? Them doesent seem to be spells at all so I guess cast speed for minions doesent apply there. Am I right?

Also, I dnt like much what basic stats do. U only really need them to stack some life or mana, obviusly then str>intel>dext for obvious reasons.
I think all of them should provide a second stat like them did in POE 1 to balance it.

Theres 2 many stuff in the skilltree and not enough points to get them. In POE1 u had some problems cos some nodes were 2 far. Thats why clusters and things like unnatural instinct or thread of hope were so popular and almost mandatory.
In this one. everything is close, but u have to take many parts of it.
Example as a mana stacker since I use it as life, I have to take the increased regen, all the mana in %, some increased regeneration rate...
There are a lot of parts of the same thing + I miss the one u can choose from a list once u get the one in the center as it were in POE1.

I bring this too cos I find annoyments now not that interesting since the only real meanning is to get a single notable that is not that far. So the only real tough about it is how many points would this annoinment save me.

Is not like I would get proyectiles come back to me with my molten strike... Wich is by far much more exciting.
Sarke#5416 wrote:
Some reviews I have now that I have properly played it for a while:

1 Item rarity problem is Huge. I had to change my whole itemization with almost zero item rarity to add some cos I had 0 divines dropped since I started. Feel so mandatory.

3 Market prizes are way too high already. I had the issue that I had to stop playing for a week since my job demanded me some extra hours in xmax. When I got back to the game, all worth at lest 1 divine and exalted orbs worth pretty much nothing.
Since I had 0 item rarity in my itemization, is being really hard to find cheap items with decent stats + item rarity. MArket is almost unafordable for people in my situation.

Didn't even bother reading the rest after this BS.
Rarity.. needed in games like this and it not being in PoE 1 was a HUGE problem. Zero challenge, no reward to multiple builds, just face roll everything in game in one way gg.

Lmao the market is perfectly fine, I just geared up a Monk for like 15ex and am clearing T13s. Thats absolutely pathetic. Nothing holds value currently because Rarity is too good. Needs reduced, but needs to be remain needed.
Last edited by ZhadowZG#7378 on Jan 2, 2025, 1:11:57 PM
Another thing...

I miss a lot a path of building but I absolutely miss awakened poe trade.
I cant stand going back to minimize, check in market manually for the item I just finded to set up the price...

PLease, give us a some quality of life with this.
I would even pay for it as a life quality asset same way I pay for stash tabs.
Just please.. Give us a way to do it.
ZhadowZG#7378 wrote:

Didn't even bother reading the rest after this BS.
Rarity.. needed in games like this and it not being in PoE 1 was a HUGE problem. Zero challenge, no reward to multiple builds, just face roll everything in game in one way gg.

Lmao the market is perfectly fine, I just geared up a Monk for like 15ex and am clearing T13s. Thats absolutely pathetic. Nothing holds value currently because Rarity is too good. Needs reduced, but needs to be remain needed.

U are wrong.
Item quality did work in POE1 but it didnt work for currency.
Currency were only affected by item quantity and it were a far better system.

U need to leave free stats for people to do their crazy builds instead of forcing them to pick a single stat no matter what them build making also the rest of the items pure trash if them dont have it.
Thats not how it is supposed to work.
Sarke#5416 wrote:
ZhadowZG#7378 wrote:

Didn't even bother reading the rest after this BS.
Rarity.. needed in games like this and it not being in PoE 1 was a HUGE problem. Zero challenge, no reward to multiple builds, just face roll everything in game in one way gg.

Lmao the market is perfectly fine, I just geared up a Monk for like 15ex and am clearing T13s. Thats absolutely pathetic. Nothing holds value currently because Rarity is too good. Needs reduced, but needs to be remain needed.

Also, the market is not completly fine.
U were abble to arm ur monk for 15 exalted like all my friends did with their character easily the first weeks.
But right now, since the market is working in divines, and u only get divines when u have +100 item rarity, its really hard to build a character with low economy.

Im sure that the items u buyed for 15 ex right now cost at lest 1 divine each if not more.
Tell me thats not a broken market.
Usually the prices should be going down since people is abble to find or craft better gear and the old one gets old for everyone so it get sold cheaper...
Not the opposite.
Last edited by Sarke#5416 on Jan 2, 2025, 1:25:41 PM
Sarke#5416 wrote:
Sarke#5416 wrote:
ZhadowZG#7378 wrote:

Didn't even bother reading the rest after this BS.
Rarity.. needed in games like this and it not being in PoE 1 was a HUGE problem. Zero challenge, no reward to multiple builds, just face roll everything in game in one way gg.

Lmao the market is perfectly fine, I just geared up a Monk for like 15ex and am clearing T13s. Thats absolutely pathetic. Nothing holds value currently because Rarity is too good. Needs reduced, but needs to be remain needed.

Also, the market is not completly fine.
U were abble to arm ur monk for 15 exalted like all my friends did with their character easily the first weeks.
But right now, since the market is working in divines, and u only get divines when u have +100 item rarity, its really hard to build a character with low economy.

Im sure that the items u buyed for 15 ex right now cost at lest 1 divine each if not more.
Tell me thats not a broken market.
Usually the prices should be going down since people is abble to find or craft better gear and the old one gets old for everyone so it get sold cheaper...
Not the opposite.

The tradesite is mistakenly listing items as if a divine is worth around 8 ex.
Just set prices in ex only instead of relative and you will see a lot of good items for not much.
Another problem is players with no idea automatically pricing anything they think is worth more than an ex for a divine because it is too hard for them to think of a number of exalts it is actually worth.
I normally don't post, but there's some major work that needs to be done regarding bugs and class issues.

Where are the updates? The last major update was almost a month ago. I understand that it's the holidays, but if you can't consistently release updates for POE2, how is the community supposed to trust you to balance both games and consistently release good leagues?

I really hope I'm wrong, but all I've seen over the last several months points to GGG being unable to handle this kind of workload.

"I understand that it's the holidays"

do you?
Guys just delete Sanctum and Ultimatum from trials. Thank you.
Sanctum and ultimatum are great. Just do it harder and more important

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