Nameless Seer Prevents Player Agency

Searching for Nameless Seer is a very annoying mechanic for Scrying maps. You have to continually run a map you don't want to run AND clear every single mob until he appears. THEN you can finaly do the strat you wanted to do.

Can scrying be itemized or come from a different mechanic please?

Thank You!
Last bumped on Sep 11, 2024, 2:08:59 PM
You dont have to clear every single mob for him to appear...
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
I really fail to see the issue here. Seer makes it so I don't have to run a map I don't like but want its loot table from. However, I can just ignore it completely and just play like I always would. This is only adding more player agency, not removing it.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
+1 Seer scrying option should be itemized, its such backwards design that you have to do a map with a bad layout and possibly an annoying map boss to find this rng npc and theeen you get to have fun in the game. Took me 2 days of non-stop grinding and probably over 100 burial chambers, had to keep swapping to Grotto cus I kept running out of burial chambers even with all the map drop nodes allocated somehow just to get him to spawn once so I can scry Brother's Gift onto Mesa(and that card dropped in burial chambers before I found nameless seer so that's just hilarious). It's also super unclear exactly what kind of monsters can spawn him, feels like strongboxes for example don't help at all.
Problem with itemizing scrying:

no more reason for maps to even have specific drops anymore....

I know it can feel bad to get shoehorned into a map you don't "like" running. But is it REALLY so bad that if you are hunting a specific card you have to run a specific map? I can count on one hand the number of maps that truly feel TERRIBLE to run, the rest aren't necessarily BAD.

I mean....I hate cards. But if they were to all drop everywhere (which is essentially what you are asking for), then it kinda shifts their whole functionality and farmability.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Problem with itemizing scrying:

no more reason for maps to even have specific drops anymore....

I know it can feel bad to get shoehorned into a map you don't "like" running. But is it REALLY so bad that if you are hunting a specific card you have to run a specific map? I can count on one hand the number of maps that truly feel TERRIBLE to run, the rest aren't necessarily BAD.

I mean....I hate cards. But if they were to all drop everywhere (which is essentially what you are asking for), then it kinda shifts their whole functionality and farmability.

No? By that logic nameless seer existing has already made it so that you can make every card drop everywhere and drop pools are pointless, and yeah you can just scry as many maps as you want since there is no limit. This change would just remove the annoying grind, and besides stuff like "scry the cards from defiled cathedral" as an item would still cost probably 10-20 divines early in the league, it still won't be easy to just get the scry you want but at least it's gonna be more achievable and less annoying than "just kill inhabitants of the map for a random spawn". It also feels like seer and reflecting mist share a spawn chance since both of them spawn after killing a monster randomly, so every time you get a reflecting mist you probably got unlucky and missed that 50/50.
*Ed: my mistake....I was under the impression that scrying was limited in the number of times it works for. I was wrong.

Since it is essentially a "permanent" shift of loot, then it really doesn't matter when you get the scry: won't change how gameplay would end up.

To the title though: nameless seer does the OPPOSITE of preventing player agency. Cards are locked behind specific maps, scrying moves those cards to a map of your choosing. How does that prevent agency? It's enabling agency that otherwise wouldn't be possible.

The act of finding the seer doesn't change that...because presumably you'd be hunting the div card in the map you find the seer in ad nauseum, until you actually DO find the seer and change it. Instead of being stuck doing a map you might not totally want to do for a specific card, you can now do whatever other map you want instead.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 10, 2024, 5:44:31 PM
Before you could only farm for the cards in a spesific map. Seer lets you INSTEAD farm that card in two maps(one of your choosing) at the low low cost of farming the map you would have had to farm endlessly anyway if the scrying wasn't there. It only adds to agency. It doesn't remove anything.
Last edited by arknath on Sep 10, 2024, 6:25:24 PM
I mean I did like 1000 maps before I burned out mostly t16 with 250 quant. No seer. Ever.

Might as well delete him. Too rare.
roundishcap wrote:
I mean I did like 1000 maps before I burned out mostly t16 with 250 quant. No seer. Ever.

Might as well delete him. Too rare.

This is exactly why scrying should be itemized and tradeable lol

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