Why in the hell...

Is there a mechanic like an ore vein that summons twisters that do massive damage. Which interfere with doing betrayal when trying to decided to execute or whatever.
Last bumped on Sep 7, 2024, 9:03:07 PM
Yeah those tornados are still a problem, even after the patch where they said "they should spawn near the player less often" what a lie lol. They still spawn literally inside me while I'm looting, stunlock me and I just die. At least make them not spawn while you aren't in combat, and completely disable them when there are 0 monsters remaining in the map. It's such a bad and annoying mechanic, like just let me loot lol
flask mod. gain 3 charges when hit. 3% regen suffix. no problem

They do 0 damage to my chars. outside of my sanctum runner
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich on Sep 7, 2024, 11:05:48 AM
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
flask mod. gain 3 charges when hit. 3% regen suffix. no problem

They do 0 damage to my chars. outside of my sanctum runner

Good for you, they kill me in 2-3 hits.
The only problem that is see is that they cause lagging. Yeah obv i don't have the most advanced pc, but still...other than that they got nerfed big time and deal almost no damage anymore unless your char is a glass canon.
After only ~40 t17 maps i am used to this shit by now. If you already get annoyed from tornados don't enter t17s lol^^
Toforto wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
flask mod. gain 3 charges when hit. 3% regen suffix. no problem

They do 0 damage to my chars. outside of my sanctum runner

Good for you, they kill me in 2-3 hits.

There are downsides to playing glass cannon. my zerker can afk in them.

Build a char with defense and recovery and you wont have a problem. i actually stand in them on my jugg to get perma flask uptime
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Toforto wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
flask mod. gain 3 charges when hit. 3% regen suffix. no problem

They do 0 damage to my chars. outside of my sanctum runner

Good for you, they kill me in 2-3 hits.

There are downsides to playing glass cannon. my zerker can afk in them.

Build a char with defense and recovery and you wont have a problem. i actually stand in them on my jugg to get perma flask uptime

then constantly die.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
then constantly die.

Nah, I'm gonna complain because the tornados are badly designed and that's that. Anything that interferes with looting or any annoying on-death effect should be deleted from this game lol
Thats your opinion i guess, but theyre not badly designed. Its not like dd where there is no playaround except playing a build with great visual clarity and never playing tired or in a hurry.

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