Unethical scaling of item cost in trade league.

So here's a scale for you. looking for an unnatural instinct jewel, need to work build. Trade market for console lowest price is 39DIV////PC 180c high 2div..... this is one item, just trading for basic gear crafting is out of control. 2div for 1000 chrom......Need to merge trade or limit prices.... I just unistalled POE im not griding amonth for the currency to waste

Start vaaling viridian jewels...
OP called me out multiple times AND sent a PM lol. And he's wrong about everything.

But sure, I'll defend myself. 12 years and 16000 hours = "exploit". It actually speaks much more about my "exploits" that I have multiple characters well into maps this league with "basic" gear. After the first thousand builds...I don't get too attached to any one character. But I make a LOT of different builds, at a LOT of different budget levels, all of which at LEAST can do 2 watchstoes / buffed t16s.

But I digress....I literally HAVE an archmage hiero that OP saw....with no unnatural instinct. That pushed me through 2 watchstones and all red maps on less than 5 divines.

He somehow thinks his build is a "niche" build when it is and has been one of the most powerful and most played builds since Archmage was re-buffed in 3.15 lol.

Go ahead though....ignore me. That ONE youtube video that said you HAVE TO have Unnatural Instinct is the only way to do it!
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 31, 2024, 9:54:31 PM
*oops I lied...this league's archmage didn't go into red maps. But it could have easily kept pushing without any fancy items. Like the other 5 I made in the last 2 years. Fractured items + essence crafting will get ANY archmage build into fully juiced red mapping.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 31, 2024, 9:59:16 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
That ONE youtube video that said you HAVE TO have Unnatural Instinct is the only way to do it!

sounds like one of those bait guides
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Every guide is "bait" for those who refuse to actually pay attention to WHY things are being chosen and taken. OP literally has zero idea how to make his own build, apart from the exact setup that is presented in whatever video.
@jsuslak313 your very wrong find another jewel that will allow archmage of hiero ice nova of frostb to scale and complete all endgame.... your not going to NOT EVEN CLOSE. bro read the jewel. just stop.......point missed.... its prices on all items out of control.... there are many builds that need certain jewels to allow them to puch and complete higher content... what are you smoking....there are def builds that can not function at all without cert jewels. lmao

I played archmage hiero to 100 last league in hc in a 2 man pvt league without unnatural instinct. I didn't have the timeless jewel either. when i ripped it i tested t17s and ubers and it killed them fine.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Every guide is "bait" for those who refuse to actually pay attention to WHY things are being chosen and taken. OP literally has zero idea how to make his own build, apart from the exact setup that is presented in whatever video.

I often play 1% or even 0% used builds so I find there's key time periods in the market where it's ideal to buy the off-meta gear I need. Esp weapons.

This league there's a lot of Axe use so it's not as noticeable. I recall in Sanctum I grabbed a Phys + Cold + Lightning bow and never saw a better one. Everyone was selling rainbow damage.

In Crucible I actually couldn't make a build I wanted because of the massive inflating of Unique weapons so I had to wait till the next league. The build was good.

Oddly this league I've crafted every piece of gear I'm using. I got some lucky slams and just kept going. More crafting than I've done in a year easily. I think it might be due to league mechanic. I find myself often ignoring it because I like making builds over capping out.

I'm enjoying my current quirky take on Earthshatter and it still has a lot of room.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
@jsuslak313 your very wrong find another jewel that will allow archmage of hiero ice nova of frostb to scale and complete all endgame.... your not going to NOT EVEN CLOSE. bro read the jewel. just stop.......point missed.... its prices on all items out of control.... there are many builds that need certain jewels to allow them to puch and complete higher content... what are you smoking....there are def builds that can not function at all without cert jewels. lmao

Sorry you are just plain wrong. I am playing this build, I am playing on console, I have beaten Ubers and the 250% T17s as you can see clearly by my 40/40 challenges and I have NEVER used the unnatural instincts jewel in the build.
I’d suggest joining a discord server for the build, I know Zizaran promoted the build as a league starter (it’s where I got the build from), and asking for help on your build.
Xzorn wrote:

I'm enjoying my current quirky take on Earthshatter and it still has a lot of room.

I find that this is the key difference and the central problem with the OP. You presumably KNOW what you need to make your build function well and then improve over time. The OP only knows what will make the build function at its highest point, and nothing else.

Thus....the complaints about prices of reach items. Without the understanding of HOW the build is created, the OP is incapable of adjusting the build to the very real scenario where he does not have Unnatural Instinct. And therefore, in his mind, the build is IMPOSSIBLE without unnatural instinct. And this is just false, plain and simple.

There is not a SINGLE build in this game that is reliant on Unnatural Instinct to function, unless it is built incorrectly. It is NOT a build-enabling unique the likes of Omniscience, or Frostbreath, or Ephemeral Edge. It literally CAN'T be because of what it does in any socket on the tree....

The only real purpose of unnatural instinct is to free up passive points and perhaps a few gear mods at the very END of a build to push it that extra 5-10%.

I would also like to reiterate what I mentioned in my second post....shouldn't the OP have KNOWN the price of Unnatural Instinct before even jumping into the build? If it was a "mandatory unique" as he describes, and he has absolutely no interest in adjusting the build, then the FIRST thing you do (if following a guide) is check to see how much this build is going to cost you...
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 1, 2024, 2:18:11 PM
Pashid wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
That ONE youtube video that said you HAVE TO have Unnatural Instinct is the only way to do it!

sounds like one of those bait guides

Tbh there are a few guides, one or two are extreme endgame and use this jewel but are 100s of div of investment or more on console. If the OP is trying to do one of those it explains their issues. Hopefully my previous reply guides them to assistance.

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