Cannot say it better

Last bumped on Aug 28, 2024, 6:29:36 PM
Stay in POE 1 then.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
And.... 0 upvotes.

Why are we responding to a reddit post.... in the POE feedback sections?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Release PoE1 was also pretty damn slow and only got faster over the years with each new patch and new introduced player power.
PoE2 won't be any different in this way and the end content is probably already way faster compared to the showcased content lol
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
i disagree mostly but agree only on one part.

first, the disagreement. what other ARPG is melee centric? we've come a long way from diablo 1's basic melee attack to having a huge arsenal of melee skills.

also the devs are taking a huge amount of effort into making sure that skillful game play is rewarded. theres a lot of balancing done to make sure that players can kill a boss in a single try. perhaps this is normal for a soulslike but in a diablo clone environment?


theres a buttload of character building and customization. to say it just like all the other "slow hack&slays" is really downplaying so much innovation and considerations GGG got through 10 years of experience.

also GGG made the difficult choice to make the game separate and new from POE1. that sacrifice should not be taken lightly.

i hated them for it but with all the explanation they give nowadays i'm happy that they did.

the one thing. ONE thing that i agree that makes it the same as "other boring hack&slays" is that from what im seeing, attack skillgems are weapon specific.

i do not like that and that is the one thing i would agree that makes it similar to other games in the genre.

in fact i resent it.

in POE1, i can use heavy strike with so many different weapons. i can use viperstrike with a sword or 2 handed sword even.

i can be different. is it meta? no, but its thematic. i like building characters that are unique and something i can call my own.

binding skill to weapons reminds me of albion online. is it a bad game? no, but it forces players to use certain weapons to use certain skills.

similarly warhammer inquisitor.

even diablo 4 has started to open up more weapon classes for all classes to use.

i do understand that GGG did what they did because of how they want to rig the character animation to work with the specific weapon type. but by doing so they've taken something that i appreciate from poe1 since it's conception.

TLDR: disagree with OP except the part where POE2 melee skills are weaponclass locked.
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It's almost like they want PoE 1 and 2 to be completely different games with a completely different feel, so players have a reason to play either one based on what they're in the mood for.

What even is this thread? "I'm mad because GGG isn't signaling their intentions to abandon PoE1?"
What even is this thread? "I'm mad because GGG isn't signaling their intentions to abandon PoE1?"

I think it's because many ppl fear that poe1 will get a lot less love after poe2 is released.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
It's because the VISION

PoE has been getting worse for a few years now.

There was a good community at one point where people made lots of build videos.
Showing builds centered on certain uniques.

The game has devolved into a checklist.

Bleed Immune , check
Corrupted Blood Immune, Check
Max Fire resist , check
Max Cold resist, check
Max Lightning, Check
Max Chaos, check
Max life on each slot, check
Max Spell Suppression, check
Max Spell Block, Check
.. and on ... and on

Then after you have built the exact build as everyone else.
Because that checklist IS the only build and all that differs from player to player is the starting point, the destination is all the same.

Uniques suck! Unless they offer THE key element of your build they will make your build worse. So the chase items are no longer chase and orange drops are no longer exciting, i leave them on the ground, unidentified.

I can write quite a bit about how the game was better. Becasue it was better.
People were finding ways to generate huge loot explosions, theory crafting builds....

Now .. go find one of the 5 builds that is not insta deleted, and play some other guys character.

Online the forums are just full of GGG apologists. "Ohh it a build problem"
what that means is .. ohhh wait you played the game ... don't do that!!.

You need to play with the exact same stats as this ....... because the game is a binary experience, if you have 100% you win if 99% you dead. Just take all those clunky numbers out and just have true false values... Spell Suppression = true, Spell Block = true, Fire resist = true.

I remember when rare mobs in a map were a bonus and something to juice.
Now they are things to avoid. They drop nothing of value and present a totally disproportionate risk to the rest of a map.

Winning now involves.
Create super boring maps full of super safe monsters that give moderate exp gains. Then play that boring style until you reach level 100 at which point who cares about any mob or map composition cause death no longer involves devaluing the past 2 hours of your life.

So play long hours of boring to get to the end so you can not care.
Good choices GGG.

It seems like GGG is in a race for boring game play designed by committee.
Last edited by Jitter912 on Aug 26, 2024, 10:27:09 AM
Anyone else instantly reminded of those poorly written „news“ articles that signalboost tweets with 2 or 3 likes as if everyone thought that way?
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Pashid wrote:
Release PoE1 was also pretty damn slow and only got faster over the years with each new patch and new introduced player power.
PoE2 won't be any different in this way and the end content is probably already way faster compared to the showcased content lol

3.0 is very fast

Just the game stuck at 3.X for so long while from (0.10) 1.0 to 2.6 took not that long
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
Last edited by neohongkong on Aug 26, 2024, 10:29:32 AM

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