The worst interaction i've ever seen in Path of Exile: Storm Herald + Amber Ore nodes (protect)

this is one thing that frustrates me.

GGG loves leaving everything to a dice roll, positive or not.

previously back when Nemesis was a thing, nemesis mods were specifically only on nemesis mobs/nemesis maps.

this gave players some degree of safety.

i recently had a mob with the mana drain ring WITH lightning mirage. and i m playing a strike skill.

ggg mentioned how they created AN and wanted to create memorable encounters.

all i remember is being extra salty and hating AN as always.

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unsane wrote:
I thought about giving this feedback the first time I encountered it. I was like whatever, too many things to give feedback on too little time to play.

The second time I encountered this, the node literally went to 0%, there was nothing I could do. I could only laugh at the absurdity of it.

That shit ain't right.

Is this a bug specific to maps? I have a witch who uses this herald and afaik the lightning has never targeted the tree.

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