The worst interaction i've ever seen in Path of Exile: Storm Herald + Amber Ore nodes (protect)

I thought about giving this feedback the first time I encountered it. I was like whatever, too many things to give feedback on too little time to play.

The second time I encountered this, the node literally went to 0%, there was nothing I could do. I could only laugh at the absurdity of it.

That shit ain't right.
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Last bumped on Aug 25, 2024, 11:09:05 PM
Can confirm, storm herald in a petrified amber lane = RIP tree.
The archnemesis mod where the rare turns into an invulnerable untargetable ghost is also very fun, it can just start auto-attacking the deposit and make you lose ore. Yet again archnemesis making the game worse.
Ha-haa just had another archnem mob with the "turn into an invulnerable ghost" mod on an 8-mod corrupted map while defending an amber deposit, it just went straight to it and had insane attack speed so it lowered the ore I got by half. And there was nothing I could do about it, it ignored my totems and couldn't be body-blocked by them either. Clearly not enough testing was done on these mechanics. Fix it lol, archnemesis was such a mistake for this game I swear. So many cringe archnemesis mods ruin this ore encounter, like lightning herald or crystal-skinned spawning on your ore then the mob dying and the crystals exploding. What a joke of a league
Toforto wrote:
The archnemesis mod where the rare turns into an invulnerable untargetable ghost is also very fun, it can just start auto-attacking the deposit and make you lose ore. Yet again archnemesis making the game worse.

Yet again people blaming Archnemesis for things that existed before Archnemesis.

This modifier was added to the game in version 3.3 as the Nemesis modifier Final Gasp.
I dont even know if I ever experienced this in the entirety this league at all. Much less it being often enough to be an issue.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
I dont even know if I ever experienced this in the entirety this league at all. Much less it being often enough to be an issue.

I've seen it a few times, but honestly I laugh when it happens to me.

Who cares about Amber anyway lmao
Bismuth ore tornado also kills amber node like that xD.
Jadian wrote:
Toforto wrote:
The archnemesis mod where the rare turns into an invulnerable untargetable ghost is also very fun, it can just start auto-attacking the deposit and make you lose ore. Yet again archnemesis making the game worse.

Yet again people blaming Archnemesis for things that existed before Archnemesis.

This modifier was added to the game in version 3.3 as the Nemesis modifier Final Gasp.

Doesn't matter when it was added, its part of archnemesis now, therefore archnemesis is to blame.
Toforto wrote:
Jadian wrote:
Toforto wrote:
The archnemesis mod where the rare turns into an invulnerable untargetable ghost is also very fun, it can just start auto-attacking the deposit and make you lose ore. Yet again archnemesis making the game worse.

Yet again people blaming Archnemesis for things that existed before Archnemesis.

This modifier was added to the game in version 3.3 as the Nemesis modifier Final Gasp.

Doesn't matter when it was added, its part of archnemesis now, therefore archnemesis is to blame.

That's illogical. Btw. the Lightning Storm existed back then as well.

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