Kalguur design is a conflict with much of the game

so it seems the options are to use less gold by not optimizing the workers to the highest levels and to only map map map to try to keep up. IMO it seems generally my point is correct, the design does not align with the game and how it was implemented conflicts with much of the content other than just maps.

Again, I like the idea of Kalgurr just not the way it fits to the game.

Thanks for feedback, I guess I will fire some high end workers to save money. Oh darn just like real life.....
Honestly do you guys ever map?

I've got a T17 farming atlas (as in, farming T16 maps for T17 drops) and most of my nodes are %chance to drop a map, +% qty and +% mods. I ran 20 of these with scarabs (took me around 1 hr and something bc of Twist of Fate which sometimes gives shitty maps with shitty layouts). Got enough gold for a day and a half with disenchant full, mappers full (although I only ever run 1 device since I don't think mappers are that wow) and 2 boats sent out.

I got 8 lvl X shippers + 4 lvl IX shippers, 2 lvl X + 4 lvl IX mappers and idk what lvl my disenchanters are. I never once fired a worker except to replace him with a higher lvl one. I don't even look at wages.

The point is, if you're mapping you don't run out of gold - and this strat is on T16, not T17 (and btw very profitable since I got 12 T17 maps which is around 9-10 div or so plus other drops like Valdo, scarabs, etc). This is just one of many strategies that bring good profit AND good gold.

Yeah we should Haggle for a payment.

And to be able use other things like "Limitless thaum dust or sulphite - Niko likes it much. And we have a lot of sniffers here too."

Also farmin military Admiral that tries to hit Rogs drug dealing cartel, he carry a lot of gold.

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