Reddit complains about LS from patch notes and this is the meta we get

LS was buffed because someone pointed out what looked like a mistake.

As a result of this, it's now dominating the meta and it's hardly even "melee league" because of it.

Last bumped on Aug 17, 2024, 3:33:54 AM
As expected i'd say. If you buff all melee skills more or less equally then it's obvious that the good ones will get used while nobody gives a damn about the bad ones.

ggg doesn't understand why people don't want to play melee

next league they'll probably remove LS' double hit interaction, do something about replica alberons and melee will die again
You act like LS omni didnt exist in sentinel league.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You act like LS omni didnt exist in sentinel league.


There's really nothing to understand but skill issue for any melee issues still.

And it is melee meta league. Idk what the OP is on about suggesting its not.

In the top 10 spots we have

1) LS
2) Icenova
3) Hexblast
4) RF
5) Lacerate
6) Molten
7) Flicker
8) Frostblades
9) Power Siphon
10) Cyclone (majority of them are actually cyclone)

So we have 6/10 melee skills being used here and 4 of them being close range.

Further down the list we have
11) Ele hit
12) Summon Holy
13) Ground Slam
14) Earthshatter
15) Splitting steel
16) P*nis Brand
17) SST
18) Eviscerate
19) Tshot
20) DD

So another 3/10 melee skills being used here. All close range. Above TSHOT and DD of all skills haha.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
My ls char had 140m dps in sentinel and would melt uber hp pools nearly instantly. LS isn't some new revelation this league. Its been good this whole time. for 2 leagues in a row i killed ubers in hc on ls champ. and many other hc bossers played ls champ.
LS isn't melee. That's why it's meta.
auspexa wrote:
LS isn't melee. That's why it's meta.

Explain why lacerate, flicker, cyclone, and MS Zenith are Meta

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
auspexa wrote:
LS isn't melee. That's why it's meta.

Explain why lacerate, flicker, cyclone, and MS Zenith are Meta

Flicker is always a relatively popular skill due to its playstyle, especially near end-leagues. Nothing to do with the buffs

Cyclone is meta? It has 2% representation with about 30% of the players merely using it to trigger spells. Cyclone had 3% representation at the third week of Necropolis, with about half of the players using it to trigger

There's nothing special about zenith, str stacking reave has always been one of the strongest end-league builds, now zenith just replaced it. Take a zenith build, replace it with any attack skill and it'll be just as strong. I won't be surprised if they nuke replica alberon's from the orbit, it's been too strong for too long now

Again, Lacerate is meta because it's one of the only skills you can use if you want to play a gladiator. More than half of the glads are using lacerate. This again indicates that the melee buffs failed, melee is still awful and there's no diversity. Also worth noting that this is a very bad build compared to the other meta builds, it's only a good starter

I played a lot of melee builds in the past, ms jugg, blade flurry chieftain, tecslam chieftain/jugg, cyclone trickster/raider, double strike champ and a lot more, but it's been years since I played my last melee build. Never again.

Last edited by auspexa on Aug 16, 2024, 11:25:07 PM
auspexa wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
auspexa wrote:
LS isn't melee. That's why it's meta.

Explain why lacerate, flicker, cyclone, and MS Zenith are Meta

Flicker is always a relatively popular skill due to its playstyle, especially near end-leagues. Nothing to do with the buffs

Cyclone is meta? It has 2% representation with about 30% of the players merely using it to trigger spells. Cyclone had 3% representation at the third week of Necropolis, with about half of the players using it to trigger.

There's nothing special about zenith, str stacking reave has always been one of the strongest end-league builds, now zenith just replaced it. Take a zenith build, replace it with any attack skill and it'll be just as strong. I won't be surprised if they nuke replica alberon's from the orbit, it's been too strong for too long now

Again, Lacerate is meta because it's one of the only skills you can use if you want to play a gladiator. More than half of the glads are using lacerate. This again indicates that the melee buffs failed, melee is still awful and there's no diversity

I played a lot of melee builds in the past, ms jugg, blade flurry chieftain, tecslam chieftain/jugg, cyclone trickster/raider, double strike champ and a lot more, but it's been years since I played my last melee build. Never again.

1) Flicker recieved a massive buff that contributed to its selection. More players play it now than in necro on week 3. Twice as many actually. 4.2k versus 1.8k

Majority of them slayer players. Which the entire bottom side of the tree has recieved massive changes with max res nodes and access to endurance charges, the most powerful defensive mechanic now in the game.

2) Cyclone is no. 10 on skill usage, and most players use it as an actual skill not a proc from cast on crit. And even if they do use cast on "x", thats multi usage, so even more meta...

3) Theres nothing special about Zenith but it is no. 6 on skill usage.

4) Lacerate is meta, thanks for agreeing.

5) Sounds like you struggle with melee then if you think there's no diversity and it received no buffs. You even admit not touching it in years so that's probably the issue.

Just because something is not high on Ninja does not mean its not powerful, and the patch did "nothing for melee". Just means its not popular.

Unless you want to tell me that VF snaking is terrible, Viper Mambroken, Any Slam..., Eviscerate, Blade storm,....

Which would be hard for me to not laugh if you are suggesting that.

They arent representative because, much like your posts points out, the majority of the public has no idea how to play them. They want to play something known and safe. Aka knowledge/skill issue.

But for the most part, 6/10 melee skills are meta, and 4 of them close range are in the top 10.

Hope this helps!
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 16, 2024, 11:54:34 PM

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