[3.25] UYNURUIL'S Lacerate of Haemorrhage with Juggernaut? [39M DMG] [300~500K EHP] | Juggernaut


99.9% of players are using Gladiator for Lacerate of Haemorrhage. However Juggernaut has some advantage compare to it, and I know it's a better class for this skill.

Some tech we have but gladiator doesn't:
1. auto endurance charge regeneration (Quality of life + consistent defence)
2. more life regen
3. auto vulnerability curse (Quality of life + consistent damage)
4. more range
5. more ehp
6. auto chill (Quality of life + consistent damage)
7. extra 10% movement speed
8. action speed cannot be lowered below base value (great for delirium and T17 maps)
9. Bleed immunity 100% uptime (Gladiator rely on flasks)
10. Poison immunity 100% uptime (Gladiator rely on flasks)
11. Shock immunity 100% uptime (I have no idea how Gladiator handling this)
12. Freeze immunity 100% uptime (I have no idea how Gladiator handling this)
13. Cannot be ignited while at max endurance charge (Gladiator rely on life flask)
14. We can auto spam immortal call with 3 second duration and 2 second cooldown. (Every 5 second you become godly tanky for 3 seconds.)

Gladiator have but we don't:
1. Bleeding enemies always explode with 20% of their life as physical damage. (We have enemies we kill have 25% chance to explode with 10% of their life as physical damage)

Interestingly, it seems that no one but me is utilizing this strategy on POE ninja at the moment. So why not join me in the realm of bleeds and explore the full potential of Lacerate of Haemorrhage?

(Checked lucky block for gladiators to show real EHP)


230K ~ 540K EHP depends on flask and guard skill.

Updated progression trees for simplification

Added 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur

About me
Just a player trying to find the a better melee build
Checkout my other builds HERE

Path of Building
Endgame 39M DPS

Video showcase
T17 Shaper beam map

T17 Sanctuary with player take 50% increased damage after killing rare mob.
Delirium + beyond + breach

Simulacrum wave with 5 monster damage mod

Step by Step Progression Guide to 39M DPS and 300k EHP
Starter build
-> Level character to 85
-> Buy basic item from POE trade

4M -> 9M DPS POB (Cost = 5 Div)
-> Level character to 96
-> Add one more large cluster jewel and one medium cluster jewel on left
-> Add Light of Meaning jewel
-> Buy awakened support gems for lacerate

9M -> 12M DPS POB
-> Change amulet to Ashes of the Star (expensive if you buy +30% to Quality of all Skill Gems, but only cost 40 chaos if lower quality)
-> Use Bottled Fate flask (expensive)

12M DPS -> 27M DPS POB
-> Craft T1 helmet (expensive)
-> Change anoint to testudo
-> remove 3 point from reservation node on bottom, remove 1 point from "attack mana cost" node
-> add one more medium cluster jewel
-> Change jewel to Forbidden Flesh / Forbidden Flame (even more expensive)
-> Craft better axe (even more expensive), it will cost around 25 div if lucky and up to 75 div if unlucky. Refer the crafting guide here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2KzNp07kHE

27M DPS -> 39M DPS POB
-> Craft T1 gloves / ring (expensive)
-> Buy a better Elegant Hubris (more expensive)
-> Corrupt your skill gem + awakened support gems + enlighten gem (more expensive)
-> Change one jewel to Sublime Vision (even more expensive)
-> Change one flask to Progenesis (even more expensive)
-> Corrupt your belt (even more expensive)
-> Corrupt your body armour

Items (Endgame)


You can craft this axe, should cost 30 div if lucky. If unlucky probably cost 90 div.

Check out the crafting guide here


1. Chance to block spell damage


1. Resistance
2. reservation efficiency of skills


This body armour is godly for us. It provides 45% increase in maximum life / area of affect / damage. It also happens to be armour base with works well with our accendancy. It also does not have a life tag so we can utilize 15% increase in maximum life node in our tree. (Please remember to take the shrine effect node on atlas tree.)

1. Increase effect of shrine buff


1. Herald of Purity has #% increased Buff Effect
2. increased Physical Damage while affected by Herald of Purity / Herald of Purity has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
2. onslaught on hit / +1 maximum endurance charge / increased Global Physical Damage / attack speed / increased maximum Life


1. Quality of all skill gems



1. Damaging Ailments deal damage #% faster


1. 40% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage, then use Abrasive Catalyst to increase to 48%


Elegant hubris

1. spell block chance (Must take 1)
2. increased physical damage / increased damage with bleeding
3. maximum life


Patheon and Bandit Rewards

Major god
Take less critical damage -> Soul of Solaris

Minor god
Less effect of curse on us -> Soul of Yugul

Help Alira for elemental resists

Map difficulty and regex

Maps we can't do:
Monsters reflect #% of Physical Damage
Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield
Players have #% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield
Monsters cannot be Leeched from

Maps will be annoying / higher chance of dying:
Players have #% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills
Players have (-12--9)% to all maximum Resistances
Players have #% less Armour Players have #% reduced Chance to Block
Monsters have #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
Monsters steal Power, Frenzy and Endurance charges on Hit
Monsters have a #% chance to avoid Poison, Impale, and Bleeding

Regex, paste in your inventory to filter out those mods:
"!non|o al|gen|s rec|ur$|ail|fs|er,|f ph|eec"

Last edited by uynuruil#1331 on Sep 3, 2024, 11:56:43 PM
Last bumped on Oct 13, 2024, 12:31:28 AM
Let's discuss some tech.

1. Auto endurance charge regeneration
Our ascendency node unflinching let us generate endurance charge when hit.
Gladiator need to rely on charge on kill / charge on block / enduring cry.

2. More life regen
Our ascendency node untiring let us generate life base on physical damage prevented. It also works with blocked hit. This let us generate more life during combat. Reference: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Untiring

3. Auto vulnerability curse (Quality of life + consistent damage)
Through our "Autoexertion - Battlemage's Cry - Vulnerability" gem setup, we get vulnerability triggered each time we hit. Warcry triggered has no cast time make mapping smoother.
Gladiator does not have room for reservation of this skill.

4. More range
Our body armour gives us 2 shrine buffs. We have 20% increased Area of Effect x 75% increased buff effect from body armour and 50% increased buff effect from atlas tree. Total 45% increased AOE.
Increase in AOE helps with our skill range / explosion / chilling area created.

5. More ehp
Let's compare.

6. Auto chill
Our shield will trigger creeping frost every 0.25 second when we block. And we have 90% attack block / 88% spell block. Auto chill is important as enemies take maximum bleed damage if they have elemental ailments on them.
Gladiator use frostblink for elemental ailments.

7. Extra 10% movement speed
From our ascendency node unstoppable.

8. Action speed cannot be lowered below base value / cannot be stunned.
From our ascendency node unstoppable. T17 map has a mod to reduce your action speed by 4% each time you've used a Skill Recently. Delirium also has monster with Paralysing touch / lots of ice hands area which reduces action speed. We can work with that.

9. Bleed immunity 100% uptime (Gladiator rely on flasks)
Since we use elegant hubris for Supreme Ostentation. We can add tattoos into strength nodes. We use 10x Tattoo of the Kitava Rebel for 100% chance to Avoid Bleeding.
Gladiator rely on flasks, which will reduce their flask uptime.

10. Poison immunity 100% uptime
On bottom, there's a node to immune to poison if evasion is higher than armour for helmet. Since we use elegant hubris for Supreme Ostentation, we can craft a highest tier evasion helmet.
Gladiator rely on flasks, which will reduce their flask uptime.

11. Shock immunity 100% uptime
Tempest shield
Gladiator -> ??

12. Freeze immunity 100% uptime
From our ascendency node unstoppable.
Gladiator -> ??

13. Cannot be ignited while at max endurance charge

Most gladiator need to take charge duration for quality of life so they rely on life flask.

14. Auto spam immortal call with 3 second duration and 2 second cooldown. (Every 5 second you become godly tanky for 3 seconds.)
Since we can generate endurance charge consistantly, we can choose either molten shield or immortal call. I prefer immortal call, but early on you can take molten shield as it cost less mana to cast.

15. Mana issue
Mana we spend per second is 80. Mana generated + mana leech per second is 146. We have enough mana to do one slash and go.
Break down of mana cost per second.
lacerate of haemorrhage - 29
vulnerability - 22
immortal call - 27 (Or if you use molten shield the cost is 4)
frost blink - 2
leap slam, creeping frost - 0

Last edited by uynuruil#1331 on Aug 19, 2024, 1:25:17 PM
ur not having mana leech problems??
Last edited by lordofcinder6#7669 on Aug 17, 2024, 3:30:43 AM
You can see in my videos we’re not having mama leech problems. One leech on our gloves for mana is enough. We also have many cost reduction nodes taken and helmet mods.

I'm very tempted to try your build the idear is realy nice. My budget is around 25 Div, is the clear ok without sublime vision explosion? the jewel is 40div ^^'

Fly safe
Without the sublime vision, please use "The Gull" as helmet as it will increase shrine buff effect. Also take the unyielding for juggernaut accendency.
Thanks will try that
I also updated the progression tree and items using the gull for early progression.
Last edited by uynuruil#1331 on Aug 18, 2024, 2:10:58 PM
At first I thought this build is a meme with inflated DPS but it actually is pretty decent, there are though a lot of problems with your reasoning on why it's better than gladiator and also some weak points that most people won't notice.

First going over your points:
1. Glad just uses enduring composure or elegant hubris for charges if they want - non issue.

2. The regen is irrelevant because of lucky block and life on block with a rare shield, in almost every case this regen is wasted and in fact unrelenting should be taken as jugg here since it's simply better objectively.

3. Vuln on hit is nice but glad can do the same thing, they don't because you only need vuln on bosses anyway. Since you cap bleed chance with vuln it's also a weak point in hexproof maps.

4. Aoe doesn't matter at all with bleed explode, no one playing glad with explode has ever complained about this. Also blunderbore looks exciting but a rare chest is better almost every time with PDR and crit reduction per charge, letting you use lunaris pantheon.

5. This is just fake news, a lot of glads on ladder have higher ehp because of suppression which jugg doesn't have. If you capped supp with this build it would actually be notable (not hard just remove blunderbore)

6. Most glads actually use venopuncture. After explaining how glads only get endurance charges on block, it's funny how having on-block here is a positive instead.

7/8. This one is nice I'll admit. Everyone can use a sanctum jewel with temp chain if they really wanted though.

9. I don't think anyone actually dies to bleed on glad unless at low level. Wasting tattoos for this with so much pdr is kind of a waste actually instead of armor or phys damage.

10. No one cares about poison when chaos res capped.

11/12/13. Everyone just uses stormshroud for this, which you can't do because of all the uniques. You actually waste a lot of resources on something glad gets easily.

Essentially here are the problems:

Blunderbore is definitely worse than a rare chest.

Crit reduction shouldn't be conditional.

Resists are barely there, and a lot of resources spent on spell block + lose rare shield stats.

With immortal call down the defenses are terrible, only 15k max hit is really bad for jugg. Without progenesis it's even worse.

Ele damage defenses are even worse, without unrelenting endurance charges are just as good as on glad, but you have no life on block, no suppression and no max res.

Overall compared to glad the only real benefits are access to AOC for a lot of DPS, unstoppable, and unrelenting. Not to mention the cost of AOC jewels and pride sublime is enough to bring any glad to this level. Almost every tech can be done by glad as well, people just don't do it because they don't want to or know about it. I won't say this is better or worse, but when it comes to comparing characters on ladder, the biggest problem with bleed is that using mageblood lowers your dps while increasing everything else, so you won't find the best geared players by sorting dps.
Last edited by Aggnog#2036 on Aug 19, 2024, 8:19:28 AM
Points taken, if gladiator have DPS of ~30M, then they can solve those problems using methods you mentioned above. However if you look at the high end for 39M DPS, they have bad resistance / regen / defence / ailment immunity.

You can prove me wrong by providing a POB or a character on POE ninja. It can be theory crafted by you.

Let me provide one sample for gladiator found on POE ninja that has the defensive stats you mentioned using stormshroud and suppression caped with flask off.
Ailment immunity + suppression, 30M DPS, 267k EHP
Phys: 11K
Elemental: 21k
Chaos: 17k

Since you mentioned life regen is not important, I updated it with max res. We are helping with Alira so our resistance is not bad. 33M DPS, 278k EHP
Phys: 12K
Elemental: 26k
Chaos: 16k

I'm confused how can gladiator has higher EHP than juggernaut when they have 100% suppression?

After enabling the flask, gladiator:
30M DPS, 368k EHP
Phys: 19K
Elemental: 39k
Chaos: 31k

38M DPS, 382k EHP
Phys: 17K
Elemental: 36k
Chaos: 29k

I think it's quite comparable. We have higher damage but gladiator can take bigger hits. However due to our high HP, we still have higher EHP.
Last edited by uynuruil#1331 on Aug 19, 2024, 2:01:59 PM

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