Improvements to gold

@Nomancs They added the town to make the game more enjoyable to the general masses and those are a lot of people who can't even get past a T7 map, let alone a juiced up T16 or 17 or have a build like bro in the video. Bro in the video with that build, those people they don't need tutorials they're already doing it.

Gold does need to be more available at lower levels/content for people or they will forever be on stagnant towns with 10 workers mining 7 pumpkins a day.

Not sure why I even commented I don't even like Kingsmarch it adds nothing, lmao
Last edited by Sydneydonza on Aug 14, 2024, 8:00:07 PM
Sydneydonza wrote:
@Nomancs They added the town to make the game more enjoyable to the general masses and those are a lot of people who can't even get past a T7 map, let alone a juiced up T16 or 17 or have a build like bro in the video. Bro in the video with that build, those people they don't need tutorials they're already doing it.

Gold does need to be more available at lower levels/content for people or they will forever be on stagnant towns with 10 workers mining 7 pumpkins a day.

Not sure why I even commented I don't even like Kingsmarch it adds nothing, lmao

Those people will get stuff based on what content they can do. Not everything have to be available instantly to anyone, some things are unlocked after some effort. Those people who can't get past T7 should have expectations based on what they can do. They can send shipments just fine, they can farm, and mine and smelt. Just maybe can't run fully juiced city on full max level workers 24h/day, that is fine.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 8:05:58 PM
Considering the majority of the playerbase that makes it to maps doesn't get all voidstones, they really should increase the gold gain. Let them enjoy respeccing their build with gold or fishing for items from the black market.

It is like how removing the death penalty would be really nice for new players, they would get levels, improve their character with passive points they wouldn't normally have. Pro players wouldn't notice because their deaths are so rare. I struggle to see this particular pain point as a positive for the game.

My point is this, if giving out more gold helps people enjoy the mechanic more, then GGG should do it within reason. GGG could add a gold cap even, so people spend it in some way to improve their character. The whole goal of gold was to help prevent botting, but this implementation of it only encourages people to bot gold farms. I wouldn't be surprised if a large number poe players aren't running some sort of automated map setup for whatever reason. it is like when they reworked flasks before adding instilling orbs, almost everyone had a macro that just did the flasks. You would often see chatlogs of 12345.

The base reward from clearing a t16 map with no mods or scarabs is far too low. I feel like it is about 2k on average without juice, I think it should give about 3 or 4k. GGG can of course scale gold gains in such a way that juicing the map doesn't give extra gold rewards, just for the die hard players who feel it is ok.

A lot of stuff the devs are doing lately just feels so out of touch. It isn't that people are expecting free handouts, but they just want the game to function as a game at all. When a player isn't doing endgame maps, poe just feels incomplete. Too many farms and rewards were pushed into red maps. Too many things are just plain missing.

roundishcap wrote:
Considering the majority of the playerbase that makes it to maps doesn't get all voidstones, they really should increase the gold gain. Let them enjoy respeccing their build with gold or fishing for items from the black market.

It is like how removing the death penalty would be really nice for new players, they would get levels, improve their character with passive points they wouldn't normally have. Pro players wouldn't notice because their deaths are so rare. I struggle to see this particular pain point as a positive for the game.

My point is this, if giving out more gold helps people enjoy the mechanic more, then GGG should do it within reason. GGG could add a gold cap even, so people spend it in some way to improve their character. The whole goal of gold was to help prevent botting, but this implementation of it only encourages people to bot gold farms. I wouldn't be surprised if a large number poe players aren't running some sort of automated map setup for whatever reason. it is like when they reworked flasks before adding instilling orbs, almost everyone had a macro that just did the flasks. You would often see chatlogs of 12345.

The base reward from clearing a t16 map with no mods or scarabs is far too low. I feel like it is about 2k on average without juice, I think it should give about 3 or 4k. GGG can of course scale gold gains in such a way that juicing the map doesn't give extra gold rewards, just for the die hard players who feel it is ok.

A lot of stuff the devs are doing lately just feels so out of touch. It isn't that people are expecting free handouts, but they just want the game to function as a game at all. When a player isn't doing endgame maps, poe just feels incomplete. Too many farms and rewards were pushed into red maps. Too many things are just plain missing.

That is just FOMO, it is fine if someone doesn't have time to play, but also it is fine if this person can't get everything. Adjust your expectations to your time and possibilities. You want to reach next tier? great, upgrade your gear and go blasting! Gold is already in abundance - would it be fun game if we would get town upgraded to max in 1h and be done? doubt it. On the other hand - how many people will run multiple accounts if gold will be easily accessible? There are multiple ways to get plenty of gold, experiment (spoiler: some unique maps are great). Better to not encourage it. It is fine to be casual, but expect adequate results.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 9:30:59 PM
Nomancs wrote:
It is fine to be casual, but expect adequate results.

Where / What is the line though? I play 5~6hours a day, every day.
Have been, since league launch.
I don't have enough gold to rank up mapping, let alone pay the current wages of my town.
I play for a few hours before work and that fuels my city for 6hours, so by the time I finish work the gold is depleted.
I'll play for a few hours after work, so by the time I wake up the next day gold is depleted.
Is 6hrs a day, every day since league launch casual enough? Should I expect adequate results because I don't play 10-12hours a day, every day?
Jixa87 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
It is fine to be casual, but expect adequate results.

Where / What is the line though? I play 5~6hours a day, every day.
Have been, since league launch.
I don't have enough gold to rank up mapping, let alone pay the current wages of my town.
I play for a few hours before work and that fuels my city for 6hours, so by the time I finish work the gold is depleted.
I'll play for a few hours after work, so by the time I wake up the next day gold is depleted.
Is 6hrs a day, every day since league launch casual enough? Should I expect adequate results because I don't play 10-12hours a day, every day?
Try this, if you can't afford scarab of bloodlines, run without it and add something else. 8mod maps are best for it. Even without delirium you can hit 30k gold per map.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Honestly Nomac I dont know why you're beefing so hard against this it's so weird.

Gold only affects peoples ability to upgrade farms and keep shit running, if they change it to more gold it wont do anything to your game play so just leave it alone mate. You just look like a grumpy old ball bag, lol :P
Last edited by Sydneydonza on Aug 15, 2024, 4:19:14 AM
It will make botting and running town on multi accounts easier, and I don't want GGG to encourage it. So just run few maps for your gold, it is quicker and more profitable than playing forum :) Why you're so against playing the game and want everything for free?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
Try this, if you can't afford scarab of bloodlines, run without it and add something else. 8mod maps are best for it. Even without delirium you can hit 30k gold per map.

Thanks Nomancs, this has really helped. Just realising that you can change your atlas strategy to significantly improve gold blew my mind at how vastly this scales.
I went from 6k a map, to just atlas change 15k a map.
Just even throwing the maximum amount of domination scarabs+craft i've been getting like 25-30k per map.
Appreciate your assistance.

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