Improvements to gold

So the league mechanic is awesome from my point of view. I wanted like probably most of you just play the league mechanic and not farm currency like I did in previous leagues, because now you manage a town, you don't go mindless into maps and improving mobs.

But the gold drops outside of t17 and insane juiced t16 is horrendous. So I tried putting around some suggestions that might help with Gold and make the league more enjoyable for more people not just juicers.

1. Most simple would be just improve gold drop flat.

If you want to keep people around then this methods would keep them around but still net them more gold.

2. Disenchanters now give 25-50% gold from the dust value.
3. Mappers now bring gold back from maps ( I am really curious why they do not get gold lol).
4. Farmers or miners now have a chance to mine/farm gold with the plants farmed.

If none of the above can be done then just:

5. 50% reduced wages and 50% reduced reroll for workers and the special reroll for workers.

That's about it, this is mostly things that can be done without affecting or implementing something.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 6:57:59 PM
Vendetta wrote:

1. Most simple would be just improve gold drop flat.

You get 8k-15k per map, or 45k from t17. That's more than enough.

Vendetta wrote:

2. Disenchanters now give 25-50% gold from the dust value.

That would be 100k gold per item I disenchant.

Vendetta wrote:

3. Mappers now bring gold back from maps ( I am really curious why they do not get gold lol).

They take gold for themselves as bonus.

Vendetta wrote:

4. Farmers or miners now have a chance to mine/farm gold with the plants farmed.

Miners do get gold. And how plants would grow gold? At the end you sell them for currency more valuable than gold - divine orbs.

Or, even a better idea - every time something is done in the town, we get free mirror. Disenchanted an item - mirror and stack of divines. Collected some ore - mirror and stack of divines. Everyone would be happy.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
You can farm 1m gold/h easily. What you ask for is a town free to be run on multiple accounts without any effort. You want to get t10 mappers and to continuously farm guardians maps? put some effort, don't expect it to be 5min gold farm for whole day of loot without playing the game. Obtain it BY PLAYING THE GAME.

It is a bit like asking for free mirrors.

Why I'm against making it easier for bots and multiaccounts?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 8:36:43 AM
Nomancs wrote:
You can farm 1m gold/h easily. What you ask for is a town free to be run on multiple accounts without any effort. You want to get t10 mappers and to continuously farm guardians maps? put some effort, don't expect it to be 5min gold farm for whole day of loot without playing the game. Obtain it BY PLAYING THE GAME.

It is a bit like asking for free mirrors.

Why I'm against making it easier for bots and multiaccounts?

You got this wrong.
Gold is insufficient without juicing maps to the point that you can't run them. Making it harder for the sake of gold will mean going slower or constantly dying.
Name one downside of having more gold than you need ? You can't use that for crafting or anything that impacts the game in a serious way.
If we play 4h a day then at end of day we stock the map runners with maps and they will finish them way before you login next day. Some of us have jobs and can only login in evening for 2-4 hours you know.
Mjuu wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
You can farm 1m gold/h easily. What you ask for is a town free to be run on multiple accounts without any effort. You want to get t10 mappers and to continuously farm guardians maps? put some effort, don't expect it to be 5min gold farm for whole day of loot without playing the game. Obtain it BY PLAYING THE GAME.

It is a bit like asking for free mirrors.

Why I'm against making it easier for bots and multiaccounts?

You got this wrong.
Gold is insufficient without juicing maps to the point that you can't run them. Making it harder for the sake of gold will mean going slower or constantly dying.
Name one downside of having more gold than you need ? You can't use that for crafting or anything that impacts the game in a serious way.
If we play 4h a day then at end of day we stock the map runners with maps and they will finish them way before you login next day. Some of us have jobs and can only login in evening for 2-4 hours you know.

Multiaccounts and bots is the downside.
You can get plenty of gold from unjuiced maps (and you can start juicing them too, it is not some private party), you just need to be aware that if you play 10min a day, you will not be able to send t10 map runners too often.
Most of us have jobs, so it boils down to your time management and expectations. Do you expect to have same results from playing 20min as someone who play 2h?

If you can't play, then don't expect to be able to get free loot all the time. But in 4h you can get enough gold to run your city for multiple days.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 9:00:18 AM
Nomancs wrote:
You can farm 1m gold/h easily.

Welcome to the world of being irrelevant in the conversation.

That's 100 T16s or 20 T17s?

In an hour?


You might be the first person I've seen on here more out of touch than the devs.
Redthorne82 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
You can farm 1m gold/h easily.

Welcome to the world of being irrelevant in the conversation.

That's 100 T16s or 20 T17s?

In an hour?


You might be the first person I've seen on here more out of touch than the devs.

It is not me who is out of touch here ;) I'm running cheap version 10c per map (t16) and get 30k gold per map. You can run what is in the video and get over 1m gold/hour.

Protip: forum doesn't drop gold.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 11:26:55 AM
Nomancs wrote:
Redthorne82 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
You can farm 1m gold/h easily.

Welcome to the world of being irrelevant in the conversation.

That's 100 T16s or 20 T17s?

In an hour?


You might be the first person I've seen on here more out of touch than the devs.

It is not me who is out of touch here ;) I'm running cheap version 10c per map (t16) and get 30k gold per map. You can run what is in the video and get over 1m gold/hour.

Protip: forum doesn't drop gold.

1. No one asked for free mirrors, your comment is irelevant. I asked for more gold to engage with the league mechanic...Stop taking it out of context cuz it's not the point.
2. No one heard of blue zaninthum or whatever the plants are called so it might not be weird for them to grow gold
2. Do you even see what that guy put's in the map device to get 130k gold per map ? Only those scarabs are like 100c (the bloodlines scarab was 200c at AH in game like 3 days ago) per map. Don't give it example as again you are taking it out of context, because I said that out of super juiced maps or t17 the gold drop is horrendous.
3. Please film your 30k gold per map with 10c t16 investment, because I tried low level strategies and high level strategies for my youtube channel and I didn't even get close to 30k gold per map with 10c scarabs.

You people are not even making a case, you are just enforcing what is being said over and over by every streamer out there, outside of juiced maps and 10 hours a day in the game you can barely interact with the league mechanic on the let's say high end.

To cover the multicount botting situation you could just increase flat out gold drops on lower juiced maps and have diminishing returns from juicing with ambush and stuff...It's not hard.

I do not find a problem in having gold to actually play the league mechanic which is the whole point of a league.

Even Zizaran wants a gold tweak here and there, and here we are on the forums discussing why it should not be a thing...People getting stuff is bad now days, it might ruin your experience somehow in a mostly single player game smh.

Thanks for the protip though, we know that captain obvious.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta on Aug 14, 2024, 2:44:07 PM
Redthorne82 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
You can farm 1m gold/h easily.

Welcome to the world of being irrelevant in the conversation.

That's 100 T16s or 20 T17s?

In an hour?


You might be the first person I've seen on here more out of touch than the devs.

He is, the dude that farms 1mil/h juices the map with like 100+c worth of scarabs and get's like 130k per map...But good luck to sustain that 100c map investment, I mean it is possible but yea, good luck. I can barely sustain 2 ambush + white 40% magic mobs scarab and the 15+ chances to open again the chests, scarabs and 8 mods maps.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Vendetta wrote:
Redthorne82 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
You can farm 1m gold/h easily.

Welcome to the world of being irrelevant in the conversation.

That's 100 T16s or 20 T17s?

In an hour?


You might be the first person I've seen on here more out of touch than the devs.

He is, the dude that farms 1mil/h juices the map with like 100+c worth of scarabs and get's like 130k per map...But good luck to sustain that 100c map investment, I mean it is possible but yea, good luck. I can barely sustain 2 ambush + white 40% magic mobs scarab and the 15+ chances to open again the chests, scarabs and 8 mods maps.

I tested 10c setup and get 30k gold per map if you can't afford 60c scarabs, but not having 60c far into the league, it is on you, because that is like pennies - just don't put bloodlines in. I don't even know what to do with my chaos orbs, just keeping full stacks
, not to mention divines

Vendetta wrote:
1. No one asked for free mirrors, your comment is irelevant. I asked for more gold to engage with the league mechanic...Stop taking it out of context cuz it's not the point.

If you want gold just START PLAYING THE GAME - it is that simple. HO doesn't drop gold.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 6:19:24 PM

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