Kingsmarch map running feels like a death sentence

My mappers are awesome. i just run 2 mod blue t16s that have layouts i dont wanna run.
NGL, something about OP's initial description is fishy.

Assuming reported correctly, a pair of level 9s and 4 level 8s should have had 100% clear and 1% death on tier 5 white maps (I was able to get 100% clear and 1% death on tier 5 unrolled with an 8, a 6, and 2 5s).

If this is reported correctly, something glitchy in-game...that said, I'd also like to see a SS of said reported "40% expected clear / 10% death" with the squad you have assigned.
Bigwilleh wrote:
NGL, something about OP's initial description is fishy.

Assuming reported correctly, a pair of level 9s and 4 level 8s should have had 100% clear and 1% death on tier 5 white maps (I was able to get 100% clear and 1% death on tier 5 unrolled with an 8, a 6, and 2 5s).

If this is reported correctly, something glitchy in-game...that said, I'd also like to see a SS of said reported "40% expected clear / 10% death" with the squad you have assigned.

Yes, the op is factually wrong. You can get less % than op claims to have with ~4 lvl 6 dudes that run t5 white maps^^ Zero chance this is reported correctly. Just whining and overexaggerating.

Although it is certainly hard to sustain high lvl map runners.
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 9, 2024, 4:45:16 AM
T_U_Suavo wrote:
Wondering if I am overlooking something obvious, but currently assigning map runners in Kingsmarch feels futile. Even with a fully maxxed out map device, there doesn't seem to be a scenario where anyone I assign there doesn't die disturbingly quickly. Am I supposed to be gearing these folks in some way that I haven't found? Or is it really this lethal by design?

Tested it out with the following (pretty favorable) conditions:

Max level map device (which doesn't appear to do anything for survival overall).

Full group of 6 level 8+ map runners (2x level 9, 4x level 8) assigned to the same device. Not fully maxed out, but pretty strong all-considered, especially given some of these need 2k gold/hour in wages.

Queued up 12 Tier 5 white maps (no mods at all). Hover text still shows 10% death chance...

They did not get through all 12. All 6 workers were dead in 10 maps, and fully completed 0 of them. I think the highest % completion was in the ~40% range.

With 10% death chance I probably got somewhat unlucky, but why is it still 10% death chance with that setup at all? Near-max level runners in a full group, running white T5 maps with a top level map device... really feels like I'm missing some obvious way to improve/toughen these guys. Open to suggestions!

send 6 runners at all times and dont buy under rank 7 preferably 8+

but i found runners to just be a huge gold sink... and not worth it
Last edited by Cchris07 on Aug 9, 2024, 4:51:07 AM
its free loot....

What you mean ... not worth it?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Follow-up. I'm guessing it was a snowball-type problem before, where the first runner died and everyone's odds got worse, leading to a cascade of deaths (which is on me; I wasn't adding new runners onto the team, but rather making the survivors push on).

Per the advice above, I did a couple of the quality rerolls and recruited a pair of level 10s... night and day difference. Now running yellow 14s with 3% death chance or lower and seeing some completions even. I'll keep tuning it, but it seems far more doable now.

Thanks again!
But something seems still wrong about that. Had few atlas runners now, all level 5-7 and they died in t1-t3 maps with <20% chance to die. So at low levels they are useless (well, its not even that low, its about average!). And its kind of pointless if you need to upgrade the town to mix in lvl10 runners just to keep the rest alive somehow. The costs for the atlas mech is so that people can start it at some point in the game but it doesnt seem to fit it lower levels keep dying with such a low chance.
Last edited by falsecode101 on Aug 9, 2024, 7:14:50 PM

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