Players need to suspend time in town to sleep if they choose to fore-go passive income

Pashid wrote:
Sydneydonza wrote:
I farm before bed too but thats because I haven't logged out in days so I can continually farm crops - max level crops to send to towns so I get my insane currency rewards... 2 or 3 chaos, lack of rewards is where it's at babbbbayyy

You're doing something wrong if you think shipping lacks in rewards cause you do get in fact 1 or several divines worth of shipping close to every time on proper execution.

I must be then and the majority of every global channel I've ever been in saying the same as me and when they finally get 1 div they lose their shit with celebrations, maybe you're just awesome bro you should definitely give yourself a pat on the back for clocking shipping in this league. I'm actually so jealous of you, dang why am I sucking so much at an online game :(
Sydneydonza wrote:
Pashid wrote:
Sydneydonza wrote:
I farm before bed too but thats because I haven't logged out in days so I can continually farm crops - max level crops to send to towns so I get my insane currency rewards... 2 or 3 chaos, lack of rewards is where it's at babbbbayyy

You're doing something wrong if you think shipping lacks in rewards cause you do get in fact 1 or several divines worth of shipping close to every time on proper execution.

I must be then and the majority of every global channel I've ever been in saying the same as me and when they finally get 1 div they lose their shit with celebrations, maybe you're just awesome bro you should definitely give yourself a pat on the back for clocking shipping in this league. I'm actually so jealous of you, dang why am I sucking so much at an online game :(

The term "selection bias" comes to mind.

Have you ever considered the fact that the people sitting around crying in global chat and on forums are the people not actually clearing content?

And that's before we even address the obvious issue of "random people whining on the internet are notoriously unreliable and inaccurate in their complaints."

Do yourself a favor and turn that crap off, leave your hideout, and clear some content. You'll get some drops.

Or don't. I'm not your dad. But don't expect to get returns sitting in your hideout and whining... its like going to the gym. There's a difference between putting on tennis shoes and actually putting in the work.
Sydneydonza wrote:
I must be then and the majority of every global channel I've ever been in saying the same as me and when they finally get 1 div they lose their shit with celebrations, maybe you're just awesome bro you should definitely give yourself a pat on the back for clocking shipping in this league. I'm actually so jealous of you, dang why am I sucking so much at an online game :(

I wouldn't be surprised if the so called majority sends out way too much resources with low tier worker on a very high risk. They lose their stuff for obvious reasons and come up with a surprised face and tears.
Following the global you can even see people beg for various free stuff all the time instead of making use of their playtime they have to be actually productive.

No surprise that there are always a handful of people being upset for no reason cause they just expect instant gratification and want everything to be handed out for no work.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
lol i read the "first thing i do is depost 200k gold" and i almost spit out my drink.

getting 100k requires some work on my part.

my town has been out of gold for a few times this week. either intentionally or not.
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