Players need to suspend time in town to sleep if they choose to fore-go passive income

I respect the desire to have "real time" and "passive currency" income. However, I have neckbearded this since day one and its starting to wear on me to have to farm gold before bed every night to cover the amount of time I'll be sleeping. I can only imagine the hell a casual player goes through.

I believe players should be given a "stop watch" to shut down all town activities if they desire. Give it an 8 hour cooldown (meaning they can't turn the town back on for at least 8 hours). This might mean no passive income, no ships will sail, nothing dusted, smelted or farmed, but it also means it will consume no gold either. I don't know if this means people shouldn't be able to collect gold either or use it for currency exchange.

Last edited by Quiex__VZ on Aug 7, 2024, 5:52:13 AM
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 11:44:35 PM
What are you even talking about, this literally exists. In fact, you have to go out of your way to have this problem in the first place, because the default state is "town paused from lack of gold."

Well see i never let my town run out of gold. So it just never crossed my mind. I figured something terrible would happen if it ran out. Thanks for letting me know.
First thing I do upon logging in and going to my hideout, I add 200K gold to Kingsmarch.

Last thing I do before logging out, remove all gold from Kingsmarch to PAUSE the town.

I'm not a streamer. I don't get to play 16 hours straight, take a quick nap, and log back into the game 4 hours later to pick up where I left off, rinse, repeat. When I log out, it's bed time for 8 hours, to then get up for work for 8 hours, which when you add time for getting ready, travel back and forth, and lunch, in total work is like 10 hours. After this, it's time real home life: chores, family, dinner.

If I let Kingsmarch run while logged out, all the workers will have all long since ran out of work to do, there will be ZERO ore flagged for mining, and all my gold will have been drained to ZERO by the idle workers.
just dont sleep - its that simple.
Galtrovan wrote:

If I let Kingsmarch run while logged out, all the workers will have all long since ran out of work to do, there will be ZERO ore flagged for mining, and all my gold will have been drained to ZERO by the idle workers.
Idle workers don't drain gold.

Only the farmers are draining gold infinitely, because they always work while assigned to the job. The rest stop being paid once they finish their work.
I mean ya league mechanic is kind of addictive. The game has always been that way. Working as intented.
But you do know that nothing bad happens when your town runs out of gold right? Just saying^^
I farm before bed too but thats because I haven't logged out in days so I can continually farm crops - max level crops to send to towns so I get my insane currency rewards... 2 or 3 chaos, lack of rewards is where it's at babbbbayyy
Sydneydonza wrote:
I farm before bed too but thats because I haven't logged out in days so I can continually farm crops - max level crops to send to towns so I get my insane currency rewards... 2 or 3 chaos, lack of rewards is where it's at babbbbayyy

You're doing something wrong if you think shipping lacks in rewards cause you do get in fact 1 or several divines worth of shipping close to every time on proper execution.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
In case anyone still has doubts about idle workers draining gold, here's some clarification:

I have 60k/h in wages, and yet, 357k gold should be enough for ~24h.

My mappers (3 devices) will finish their work in 1-2 hours, then they will be idle, it wont cost any gold to keep them around.

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