Maven healing T17 bosses is broken

There are many options to fix the non existing problem.

Best solution is to not tickle the boss fights and just gear up more to do enough damage to out dps the healing.

Could always just don't use maven if you lack the damage or use some of the by now so many ways to reduce healing.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 30, 2024, 5:39:31 AM
I really hate when people doesn't understand the issue and give obvious advice. in logic, we know if I geared stronger and beyond I can beat all bosses at same time. we talking about a broken system here for 99.9999999% of players, it is broken even if few can beat it. Maven is healing T17 bosses none stop even with my RF FT chieftain 3mil dps with frost bomb (which I cleared everything excepts new ubers, didn't tried them yet) I cannot beat it.
Last edited by AlShammari1976 on Aug 30, 2024, 3:43:59 AM
I really hate when people doesn't understand the issue and give obvious advice. in logic, we know if I geared stronger and beyond I can beat all bosses at same time. we talking about a broken system here for 99.9999999% of players, it is broken even if few can beat it. Maven is healing T17 bosses none stop even with my RF FT chieftain 3mil dps with frost bomb (which I cleared everything excepts new ubers, didn't tried them yet) I cannot beat it.

Why not just reroll the mod?
That shit obviously exist for people with nutty dps (read: something not yet balanced into eternal oblivion by ggg or 400 div invested builds) to feel good. Everyone else should reroll or spend points/gear affix slots/gem slots for lame ass fixes.
Last edited by Bosscannon on Aug 30, 2024, 5:21:36 AM
Maven interferes with players = dont roll if you cant handle it?

Wait are we allowed to reroll this one?

Or is this another one of those like... players have less recovery and we forget we can reroll a map, but its actually only available to niche or very niche, but not really niche builds?

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Hol' up.

Are there seriously people in this thread complaining about TIER SEVENTEEN MAPS not being "casual friendly?"

Hol' up.

Are there seriously people in this thread complaining about TIER SEVENTEEN MAPS not being "casual friendly?"

Yeah this kinda sticks out a bit for me, now that you mentioned it. As GGG has said in the past, T17 maps are meant to bridge the gap between T16 maps and uber bossing content. You know, the boss fights that demand a particularly powerful build to have even a remote chance at beating.

Sure these maps got nerfed (thank goodness for that), but they're still significantly tougher than your usual T16 map, especially when you consider boss fights.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
I am just pissed off I can't do destructive play on t17s.
T17 maps are supposed to kick you silly, they are the stepping stone to Ubers which if you think 17s are bad just wait.

I do think they are somewhat badly named, the idea of a tier 17 map implies a similar difficulty increase from tier 16 as 16 was to 15. This is certainly not the case, the ‘jump’ is significantly bigger.

As others have said, you can roll her mod off the map easily, you can use a scarab to remove half the mods, you can turn off maven influence on the map device and you can use many mechanics to ‘defeat’ the healing entirely.

Challenge this league to do each one at 250% quantity was enough that i had to take a break after due to ‘the shakes’ from adrenaline
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Aug 31, 2024, 4:24:20 AM
So some propose to reroll mods. Just quick reminder that originally you can't roll mods, it's bridge content between t16 and ubers and after Necropolis devs discovered that dmg and health was unintentionally 2x. And people defend this xD
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