Maven healing T17 bosses is broken

"Take this vitality boon!"
"Take this vitality boon!"
"Take this vitality boon!"
"Be healed and fight on!"
"Take this vitality boon!"
"Take this vitality boon!"
"Be healed and fight on!"

This is 90% of her actions in T17. She gives the boss ES and regen, and while you are burning through that she heals them up to full life. Very rarely she chooses any other action giving you some time to do real damage.

This is just stupid. Please randomize Maven's actions in T17.
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2024, 7:00:09 AM
"Frost Bomb" Gems (-80% ish life regen) is exist.
play around with it, or just find a way to add it to ur build.
Last edited by klausNchill on Aug 6, 2024, 11:43:45 AM
klausNchill wrote:
"Frost Bomb" Gems (-80% ish life regen) is exist.
play around with it, or just find a way to add it to ur build.

frost bomb just not enough, if you deal less than couple of dozens millions dps.

healing by maven must be deleted from this game, this "as intended" mechanic with addition to couple of combined damage reduction mechanic on bosses is not fun.
Honestly if you don't have the DPS to beat them despite mavens interference then don't summon Maven to that map? Judging whether you can handle a given content is your job as a player. If you bite of more than you can chew then that's your issue.
Baharoth15 wrote:
Honestly if you don't have the DPS to beat them despite mavens interference then don't summon Maven to that map? Judging whether you can handle a given content is your job as a player. If you bite of more than you can chew then that's your issue.

Or maybe the broken mechanic should be fixed instead.
i honestly feel maven and her invites are one of the worst things to happen for a "casual player".

monster healing/regens turn the fight from a mechanical fight into a dumb dps/anti regen check.

then again it never occured to me that people are getting t17's witnessed. if you cant handle it, dont get it witnessed.
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i'd like to have infinite healing potions during those fights if maven can is healing infinitely
imagine fighting these bosses with boneshatter and you have to stop attacking because you're getting too much dmg from trauma while in return you dont do enough dmg
while allready investing so much time into a build

thanks ggg for making melee miserable
"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019
Marked enemies cannot regen is a mastery that solves this issue.

Frost bomb plus the Ryslatha pantheon power slowing regen is a way of reducing regen.

There is a mastery in the life regen wheels that prevent nearby enemies from 50% regen.

There are ways to counteract the Mavens regen if a build can’t just dps thru it.

Last edited by cacmeister on Aug 7, 2024, 2:48:58 AM
This game is catered o the elite 1% they don't care about the rest of us.
Wladicorist1 wrote:
i'd like to have infinite healing potions during those fights if maven can is healing infinitely
imagine fighting these bosses with boneshatter and you have to stop attacking because you're getting too much dmg from trauma while in return you dont do enough dmg
while allready investing so much time into a build

thanks ggg for making melee miserable

i dont think this is a necessarily a melee issue, to be continued after the next quote.

Skellimancer wrote:
This game is catered o the elite 1% they don't care about the rest of us.

this is a target audience issue. GGG is catering to players with good builds/gear.

the biggest issue i see with poe is that the gap between a regular gamer who wants to try poe without guides vs a hyper optimized player, is really super huge.

is it good? bad?

it depends on which side of the fence you're on. i always struggled with maven. i can kill her and have killed her but i still feel shes too hard.

as for the regular "10 maps" maven invites, those are easy for me when i get the appropriate gear, but i still remember all the struggles i had before getting to that point.

i also have not cleared the feared. all the others i've already cleared em. and i can say that its a huge dps check rather than anything else.

i dont think it's too exciting. as a softcore scrub, its more of "can i kill the boss asap before the next boss appears".

if i take too long my game plan is "i hope i can take down one boss before i lose this portal".

its never about "i will out play the bosses". you cant outplay the bosses. playing smart involves getting out of the way from damage. this can lead to loss of dps uptime which can result with maven healing away damage or giving them a shield. literally erasing the progress you made.

i am more accepting if instead of heals/shields, these are replaced with "high damage resistance buffs". this buffs last for a decent duration. it doesnt erase a player's progress, but effectively makes the fight longer without nullifying whatever progress that has been made.
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