Me No Have Fun In League

I don't want to play constantly after work and on weekends just to upkeep my workers. It plays like those town-building/maintaining mobile games, where you have to log in every day, and it's a really bad look on this game. I usually take breaks every now and then while playing, and that just fucks me during this league.

Feels bad, man. I quit.
Last bumped on Aug 6, 2024, 11:12:49 AM
Guess what?

You don't have to do any of that.

That's called FOMO.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 6, 2024, 12:33:00 AM
Just one week passed and players starts to quit in enormous numbers due to be stressed by gold farming for town what cannot sustain itself?

Expected behavior xD
DarkJen wrote:
Just one week passed and players starts to quit in enormous numbers due to be stressed by gold farming for town what cannot sustain itself?

Expected behavior xD

Path of Exile is an exploitative economy sim, and if you're not fast enough to find divine-farming exploits, you're fucked. Fuck this game, honestly. Can't wait for Path of Exile 2.
Aulyx wrote:
DarkJen wrote:
Just one week passed and players starts to quit in enormous numbers due to be stressed by gold farming for town what cannot sustain itself?

Expected behavior xD

Path of Exile is an exploitative economy sim, and if you're not fast enough to find divine-farming exploits, you're fucked. Fuck this game, honestly. Can't wait for Path of Exile 2.

Thing is, can you buy gold for divines?

Economy, you say? ;)
DarkJen wrote:
Aulyx wrote:
DarkJen wrote:
Just one week passed and players starts to quit in enormous numbers due to be stressed by gold farming for town what cannot sustain itself?

Expected behavior xD

Path of Exile is an exploitative economy sim, and if you're not fast enough to find divine-farming exploits, you're fucked. Fuck this game, honestly. Can't wait for Path of Exile 2.

Thing is, can you buy gold for divines?

Economy, you say? ;)

No, but you can buy Divines with Gold.
Aulyx wrote:
Fuck this game, honestly. Can't wait for Path of Exile 2.

What do you think is more likely?

A) Over the past several leagues, they have been shaping PoE 1 to resemble what PoE 2 will look like.

B) PoE 2 will head in the opposite direction that PoE 1 has been heading over the past several leagues.

I know what I think. What say you?
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Aulyx wrote:
I don't want to play constantly after work and on weekends just to upkeep my workers. It plays like those town-building/maintaining mobile games, where you have to log in every day, and it's a really bad look on this game. I usually take breaks every now and then while playing, and that just fucks me during this league.

Feels bad, man. I quit.

What is the difference between this league and any other if you don't mind me asking? Mind you, I'm no streamer, I just play casually maybe a few hours a day on average.

In past leagues you would fall behind if not playing. The same applies now. Only if you farm enough gold, this leagues mechanic will actually generate currency for you while you go do other stuff.

Or am I missing something?
So what if its "same as always"?
Same as always is not good enough. The game is specifically set up for this huge gap to exist between a mid player and someone who plays religiously. By all means there should be tangible difference between the two but not 90% of everything for 10% of players as it currently stands. Game payouts per time invested should be linear and not exponential.
Last edited by Bosscannon on Aug 6, 2024, 5:24:24 AM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Guess what?

You don't have to do any of that.

That's called FOMO.

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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