My "Why I quit every league after 1 week" manifesto

Simple2012 wrote:

1) More falsehoods about crafting.

I think you're lost. No crafter ever cares about identifying rares on the ground. You buy a base you want or something that's decent then do smth ez like eldritch craft, reroll pref/suff etc. But you don't actually loot those rares.

Besides, most great crafts are all done the same way. Essence spam until you got 3 good mods, pref/suff cannot be changed into something like veild orb, reforge defense or smth.

This is demonstrably false. Crafters dont just buy every base they want off trade, wow, watch a stream once in awhile.

Really quick mental exercise here okay?

If everyone had your mentality of not picking up rares, where do they come from?
All the people that sell them for 5c on trade are just idiots for picking them up?

Crafting does use essence and pref/suff cannot be changed but... thats not the majority of it at all. See delve, see harvest, see any mod that is from temple, .

Very rudimentary understanding of crafting and loot it seems with the last two posts from you and the OP. Thats fine play how you guys want. You both have a lot to learn though.

2) Forgetting mechanics before exiting
The interface is just bad. It's just like metamorph, it pops up and annoys you all the time except for the very second you're about to leave the map so you end up forgetting about it. The game is meant to be enjoyable, not a chore. Also, people don't forget to go to the sacred grove, that's a horrible comparison, that would be more like saying people forget to activate the ritual, which they don't. They do all rituals but forget to check the rewards, it's completely different.

People forget every single mechanic in the game before exiting all the time. Yes they do forget the sacred grove. This was seen in affliction especially as you would want to buff quant not only with the wildwood but also altars. You run the map and then go back to it (if you remember to), so you can get the most out of it.

Watch a stream once in a while. It happens

3) Harbinger opinion
Harby is crap unless you do it for a very long time even if you invest in it.

I mean you are free to believe this, but there is little truth behind it. People that specialize into it make more currency than you probably ever have. You dont like the mechanic though thats fine. Fracturing orbs are just $$$ every league

Goodluck x2
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 6, 2024, 8:45:45 AM
Mashgesture wrote:
make more currency than you probably ever have

Hi! You brought up some interesting points, and I would love to discuss them with you, but your attitude and anti-social behaviour has---in my opinion---no place in this community, so I feel strongly discouraged to interact with you any further than this. :(

Coconutdoggy wrote:

Clearly not within the OP of yours this ISN'T your game if your complaining about those issues because those issues will remain here for pretty much til the end of time.

I am interested to hear why you think so. Many points like bad Syndicate design or bad rare loot have been discussed already by GGG and they are aware and acknowledged already some of my stated points as problems.
Last edited by groink19 on Aug 6, 2024, 10:09:18 AM
groink19 wrote:

Hi! You brought up some interesting points

Thank you I am glad you see it that way!

Its so nice to see that you are having some self reflection on possibly a different approach to crafting, loot and those pesky forgetful mechanics.

Check out guides for harbinger on youtube, as there are many! And possibly introduce you to a new form of currency making friend!

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 6, 2024, 11:19:10 AM
groink19 wrote:

I am interested to hear why you think so. Many points like bad Syndicate design or bad rare loot have been discussed already by GGG and they are aware and acknowledged already some of my stated points as problems.

Don't fall into her trap. She always do this and you just need to check her post history. If any one says anything not positive about the game the answer is, most of the time, "it's a you problem" or "the game is not for you".

I share some of your thoughts and, for instance, I find the ANNO of PoE an aberration so that I stopped going into town.
I like the gold and what it brought but the rest is not interesting at all, it's just a way of trying to force people into playing because they might get a divine or two from the ships.
Then there's those little things like removing baubles from Hargan. Why? Because they want you to grind for them or for quality flasks... Making people play a game because they need to grind instead of having fun is the wrong path to go but it seems that it's the one of Elixe.
You expect powerful and rewarding and useful IMMEDIATELY WEARABLE drops from challenging trash and/or boss encounters in an ARPG? Not happening here peasant. This isn't an ARPG; it's a currency simulator for those who play 26 hours a day and the devs who design the game according to that philosophy.

Now excuse me while I go open a corrupted 8 mod T16 strongbox 5 times and receive nothing.

Incoming "git gud son" comments.
groink19 wrote:

Yesterday was the day that comes every league: the (depressing) realization that the league is over for me. The joy I felt the days before turned into a feeling of doing chores which ultimately lead to nothing but sustain.
Then I had a strong think about what makes me lose the joy every league, and I gathered some (some subjective, some objective) points which kill my game experience sooner or later.

1. Loot

When I reach red maps I proceed to remove all rare equipment from my item filter. Picking up armour, identifying it and seeing that it is trash. The loop which happens at every league start. The usefulness of rare equipment loot converges to 0 for time -> infinity, but becomes close to 0 very fast. Picking up, identifying, instantly throwing it into the bin because it is useless. It is tiring, it is not worth it. In my opinion dropped rare items must have the potential to be significantly stronger than crafted items.
What I want to say is: for me, exciting loot is the most important aspect in an ARPG for me. PoE is sadly the opposite for me 99 % of the time. It is just a grind of currency. And what do we do with currency in SSF?

2. Crafting

This league for example I wanted to craft a physical two-handed axe for my Rage Vortex impale version. I looked at the following methods:
- Harvest reforge physical
- Recombination
- Fossil crafting
- Rog
My problem with all of these choices: the pure underlying concept, which goes
Farm currency -> (buy crafting currency/raw materials if trade league) -> use crafting method -> Repeat X times and pray for X < infinity
Feels so bad man. Where is the skill I can apply? Oh right, it is sadly in the first step. If I have a currency farming strategy that is good, I can reduce the time in crafting hell. Or, if trade league, just ignore all crafting and buy gear others crafted. But should crafting not be fun? Well, for me in PoE it is pure frustration.

3. Some game mechanics

I like the ores in the map. Killing the spawn points, saving my tree, channeling my difficulty. It is fast, it is exciting, it is gameplay variety. But the fourth one...
I click on ore, I get ore. Same with Niko: I click on sulphite, I get sulphite. No gameplay, no fun. Clicking games are not fun for me.
Ritual? Gameplay for me is okay, loot is interesting in a way. But I disable it every league. Why? I forget to look at the loot half of the time at the end of the map. I know that is the same for many players. Why did we not change it since Ritual was introduced? Anyway, I feel terrible when I notice that I forgot to gather my reward time and time again. So, disable it.
Breach? I actually like the gameplay, but the rewards man, the rewards. Breach rings? Must've been useful before I started playing. Splinters? Splinters. I click on splinters, I put them in stash. They do nothing but sit there. It is so lame. I understand that certain bosses etc. need to have an entry fee, but man. Splinters. In my opinion that cannot be the way.
Harbinger? Man, more splinters, this time called "shards". Do nothing, sit in stash. I look at them, I feel bad. I like the gameplay mechanic, but the specific loot of the mechanic... shards. Feels bad man.
I could go on with e. g. Syndicate, but Mark already mentioned that they are working on seperating the board from Katarina. Thank the lord.

4. Some monsters

Whakawairua Tuahu... the map boss. What the flying f. This is not a challenge, this is torture. Well, for some builds it is not. God bless them.
Soul Eater mod... I am usually fine with monster mods, even the lightning cone one and MOSTLY the ice wall guys. But soul eater? What the flying f. Instant massive difficulty spike. The moment you are confidently doing a map, and then, baaam, one monster runs at you and slaps the life out of you. It is crazy that this mod still exists. Speaking of still existing...

5. Generally powerful items/mechanics

Ralakesh boots... got even stronger. Why? Another new absurdly strong general mechanic: elemental dmg reduction by endurance charges. I love theory crafting, but these things make me feel bad. I love items which are powerful in certain scenarios, I hate items which solve all your problems. I want elemental ailment immunity? 3 rare jewels and Stormshroud, done. Works on any build. Cries in Purity of Elements.

Sorry for the rambling, but I had to share the feelings I feel every league. I love theorycrafting builds, but when I start playing the game, reality catches up to me sooner or later.

You should probably ask yourself why I like path of exile?

There are a lot of posts about drops, crafting and balance

However, most of these posts cannot be taken seriously

An increasing problem of the game is the "demanding attitude of players"

And in your case, there is also a problem that you lack patience

Demanding and lack of patience, that's why you actually finish after 1 week

I'm sorry, buddy, but you have the wrong approach to this game
Ground loot is on my top 5 things that are permanently wrong with POE. Its why I gravitate to SSF and Ruthless. (because ground loot matters there for longer)

I can trace my "I'm bored I quit" time almost every league to this, combined with instant deaths and overly sweaty balancing on things that have become tedious asnd maybe could use a LITTLE more determinism.

I think I agree with most everything the OP wrote and can echo that these things are many of my pain points. Along with instant death time to death design of the game. They very significantly ruin what is otherwise nearly my "dream game"

Not even kidding I was dreaming of a videogame like POE since Red box set D&D and Atari 2600's version of "Adventure". we're talking 1979-80's ish)

I feel like a LOT of the things GGG does to try and Make a No lifer like a CutreDog or Grimro or even a Steelmage like player "stick around for longer before running out of things to do" actually have a massive demotivating effect on the vast majority of the returning playerbase thats more casual and has less time. High end crafting that needs streamer time commitment or credit card commitment such a reworked recombinators for example are a big demotivator.

They have not only reached "diminishing returns" in terms of keeping Grimro playing for 14 days instead of 13 days (he just doesn't play anymore got burned out like most of them always do). They demotivate me and make me play 3 weeks instead of 3 months.

Anyway Ground loot is ruined by crafting, influenced item crafting specifically deleted ground loot rares from endgame.

Turning a game about killing monsters for their treasure into a game about making a wage to go shopping or crafting with.

Interestingly Recombinators and other systems that could make you want to look at ground loot (Harvest before the gutting) keep getting gutted due to high end power. Once again proving the fallacy of balancing your game to cater to edge case time investments.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Aug 6, 2024, 9:23:55 PM
mentos1308 wrote:

And in your case, there is also a problem that you lack patience

Could you explain what you exactly mean? "Patience" in my understanding is a term which describes the acceptence/endurance of waiting. What am I not willing to wait for?
My biggest frustration every league is linking!

Every single time I make a new character I have to endure the frustration that is linking (I play a private league with a bunch of friends)

I just spent 400+ fusings trying to 5 link a body armour! 400+ wtf!

Now I have none left and cannot do anything with the character.

I know I could just buy the item in trade league, but there's a reason I play in a private league, the item chase is fun.

The crafting/linking system not so much. One of the reasons I actually really enjoy SSF in Last Epoch. Everything can be achieved solo in a reasonable time.
groink19 wrote:
mentos1308 wrote:

And in your case, there is also a problem that you lack patience

Could you explain what you exactly mean? "Patience" in my understanding is a term which describes the acceptence/endurance of waiting. What am I not willing to wait for?

When playing this game, you must be prepared for a long grind

You are not prepared for this and you have a problem

You want to have something now, without a plan, without any effort, because you deserve it, and the game brutally verifies this approach.

Let's take such rare items, many of them are garbage, but if you know, for example, what combination of mods you need and you know where you can find them, you are also prepared for grinding, then the game will reward you sooner or later

You, my friend, have no knowledge, no plan and no patience to learn it

Maybe look for a game that is more suited to your requirements, e.g. Diablo 4, I haven't played it but I saw that it might be more accessible to you

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