Keeping up with Gold single handedly ruins the game for me

Let's be honest, this system is not casual-friendly and caters to streamers and full-time players.

The less you play, the more the gold system hurts. It shouldn't be that way but it's not surprising.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Rippster wrote:
The less you play, the more the gold system hurts. It shouldn't be that way but it's not surprising.

To be fair, there's actually a post somewhere in this forum titled the more you play the more the system hurts. And it's correct. Higher cost for upgrades, higher cost for rerolls, higher cost for wages, higher orders for shipments (leading to needing higher level sailors for less chance to lose your goods), etc., etc. You're pushed to get more and more gold, yet there's not a lot you can do once you're in t16 (or 17, lol) juiced maps other than force yourself to somehow play maps faster.

That's not what this OP was talking about though, as he just doesn't like upkeep in general/feeling like you need to log in or you're missing out.
plz wrote:
Rippster wrote:
The less you play, the more the gold system hurts. It shouldn't be that way but it's not surprising.

To be fair, there's actually a post somewhere in this forum titled the more you play the more the system hurts. And it's correct. Higher cost for upgrades, higher cost for rerolls, higher cost for wages, higher orders for shipments (leading to needing higher level sailors for less chance to lose your goods), etc., etc. You're pushed to get more and more gold, yet there's not a lot you can do once you're in t16 (or 17, lol) juiced maps other than force yourself to somehow play maps faster.

That's not what this OP was talking about though, as he just doesn't like upkeep in general/feeling like you need to log in or you're missing out.

The less you play, the slower it takes to even get to the league mechanic end game. And OP is correct, the system is tedious at best. I don't enjoy grinding for gold (instead of what used to be loot drops) to try and keep up with the Settlers system just to see your entire fleet sink with a 0% risk chance.

But whatever, I'm sure the full-timers love the system.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Yea I mean t16s are anywhere from 10-20k with no to little investment.

I push 20k with investment and 2 mechanics that give dog water gold (harvest, expedition)

Try figuring out what you need I suppose. Gold shouldnt be an issue unless you login play a single map a day and log out.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Rextec wrote:
people complaining about gold costs must run like 5 maps and afk for an hr

more like we want to do things other than farm gold in T16s. I like to farm essences in yellow maps. As I self craft everything. I run out of gold quick doing that. I am leveling an alt in yellow maps and can't go higher as it is a sanctum runner and has little to no defense in the name of damage. So again, I run out of gold quick or get so little compared to my T16 framer I shouldn't be playing it.

There is an entire game out there that is not just T16 map blasting and keeping up with gold if you like to do any of it feels like a punishment for enjoying something else.

It does not need much adjustment. Just some buffs to the lower content so its less of a curve and more of a line in scaling and I think most of those issues would be solved.
At the high end of the game the amount of gold needed for matianance vastly outstrips a casual clearer. I'm a neckbeard 12h a day person on with a RF slow clear build (compared to others) and its a royal PIA trying to keep up with my gold costs (although my town isn't fully built yet).
exsea wrote:
this is the in game equivalent to a rich person not understanding a poor man's conundrum.

different people have different amounts of time and skill level to play the game.

It's not real life. Dude is playing SSF when it's clearly not mode for him. It's mode where you don't get what you want. Simple like that.
On Probation Any%
Dxt44 wrote:
exsea wrote:
this is the in game equivalent to a rich person not understanding a poor man's conundrum.

different people have different amounts of time and skill level to play the game.

It's not real life. Dude is playing SSF when it's clearly not mode for him. It's mode where you don't get what you want. Simple like that.

if you're ssfing you lose out from trading with players.

his issues is keeping up with gold which is something you're very casually brushing off now.

this isnt even about rich man not understanding poor dude. you're actively slapping aside his complaints as you believe it doesnt affect you.

which is common tbh. "if it doesnt effect me its not a problem".
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his issues is keeping up with gold which is something you're very casually brushing off now.

Imagine this, better gear = more gold
On Probation Any%
Dxt44 wrote:
his issues is keeping up with gold which is something you're very casually brushing off now.

Imagine this, better gear = more gold

imagine this. feedback in a feedback forum.

you're not affected. you've said your piece. theres no need for you to overjustify.

many people are already facing the problems that OP has highlighted and are starting to complain about the same issue.

i ll be frank. you're not wrong if your message is "the intention of the devs is to make more gold more rewarding"

but OPs feedback is valuable to help the devs gauge how it affects players.

perhaps his feedback alone felt whiny. but when more people bitch about it and chime in, turns out many people have this same issue.

and for sure, you can brush it off. you're not a dev. the devs ultimately decide whether or not its fine or whether they should rebalance it.

from my POV, the devs stand more to gain by rebalancing it. they put a huge lot of effort into making this league. would be a shame if players just dropped off once they hit the gold payment wall.

from my pov, a lot of "casuals" are starting to hit that wall now that a week or 2 has passed.

anyway we've both said what we needed to say.
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