Is it worth to start playing Path of Exile in 2024 as new player?

I would not recommend it in its current state.
Give it a try and see if you like it before POE 2 comes out. Grim dawn has a lot of things to learn in it as well. I wouldn't say they are drastically different for beginner players, so if you liked one you will probably like the other. The difference being that POE becomes a lot more expansive, you likely wont be as knowledgeable as you are on GD after 100hr in each. I would say at the beginning of both games they are fairly similar difficulty and mechanically. The difference is with POE some people skip all this and jump onto a build guide and go straight to the deep end.
you wont get a lot of loot this league, but maybe the next one they will increase loot drop
jsuslak313 wrote:

The people that parrot the nonsense above are the same folks who never learn anything in-game because they almost entirely rely on OTHER people's knowledge and are helpless without it.

Yesssss. Huge +1 to this. In general, I feel gaming is inundated with this stuff, sapping the fun out of every title with "how to unlock X in one hour", "the BEST guide for farming", "10 things you MUST know before you play Path of Exile". Like, it's a hack and slash game. Just play it. Learn stuff. Experiment. Repeat. Don't spoil those thousands of hours for yourself.
i would wait for poe2...current game is far too punishing and not very rewarding unless you sink a lot of time into it
Thanks for the heads up! It sounds like there's a steep learning curve for PoE. I'll definitely look into those third-party programs you mentioned and spend some time on the forums to find a good starter build. I'm prepared to invest some time to get the hang of it, even if it means a lot of learning at first. Appreciate the advice!
It is worth it. Play SSF.

PoE never was in better shape.
Last edited by sownice on Aug 4, 2024, 1:19:57 AM
sownice wrote:
If you like everything being done to stop your progress so that you are led into an addiction spiral, then you should play PoE. If you want to take the risk of having the "gear" you've farmed for years rendered useless with a snap of your fingers, then you should play PoE. If you like that a Free2Play game doesn't value the fact that the game is well programmed so that it works well with the computer's hardware, then you should play PoE. I would not recommend any healthy person to touch this game.

I forgot something important, if you like hearing good night stories every 4 months in live announcements that later turn out to be a nightmare and a cover-up, then Poe is your game.

This is a game. You put to to much attention to it. And care too much also.

Healthy person will play game, enjoy it and go on with their life.

Non helathy person with problems around itself might use PoE as an escape from reality. But thats all games and not only games.
Last edited by de99ial on Aug 4, 2024, 1:20:56 AM
Last edited by sownice on Aug 4, 2024, 1:19:41 AM

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