Delve gold drop rate

Pashid wrote:
People actually forget the point that they are expected to put a lot of work into gold farming if they want to sustain high level workers on all stations all day long.
Your gold cost if actually not that high if you do the bare minimum of what you actually need.
Having smelters run all day long or miners for metal that you don't need in the end is a gold drain.
Keeping the disenchanting busy with too much work for way too much dust is also just a worthless gold drain.

But there's no lack of gold if you do the bare minimum of useful things that you actually do need or profit from.
Delve alone can easily sustain farmers, shipping and mapping.

So much this.

I keep everything at minimum.

Well mines because highier levels gives more ore and farming because it is for free (no resources other than gold).

I have one smelter for each ore and on low level. And i dont see point having more.
I do play, this account just isn't linked to my steam thats why - but it's ok work around for delve gold sucking, run a T16 map with 3 scarabs and a map setting and get 40k gold in 2 mins, town is good to go for another 84 days after 8 hours of mapping.

Last edited by Sydneydonza on Aug 23, 2024, 12:08:57 AM

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