Delve gold drop rate

Hi guys,

The rate which gold drops in delve only from the end of each run encounter is much lower than doing maps yet in a lot of cases as you get deeper, much harder. I think gold should drop from the mobs you clear on the way to the end to make it more fair since we don't all like to just run maps.

Last bumped on Aug 23, 2024, 12:08:38 AM
Gold does drop from the monsters on the way to the end, it's where all the items which drop at the end come from.
"the rate" there's hardly any, I was delving for hours. The majority of gold in delve drops from the end of each section.

If you're getting as much gold from the monsters on the way to the end as I get in maps then please video it and send me a link I'd love to see it.
All of the drops you see at the end in delve when everything farts on the ground IS the drops from the monsters. The mining cart simply picks up everything on the way thats within its light radius, and spits it out when you clear the side.

If you want good gold rates down in delve, looks for sites that have increased champion spawns. The baseline champion rate in delve is pretty low outside of those.

Try a city zone. I'd bet DN that the gold drops in city sites are good.
Last edited by Bigwilleh on Jul 31, 2024, 10:58:09 PM
If the gold at the end that drops is from the mobs on the way thru then my original post stands the rate is far lower than maps and other things it's just fact they didnt make any changes to delves or the 3 boring bosses this league either which is pretty rank it's almost the forgotten content of POE for them
I'm averaging over 20k gold per hour of delve. Which is definitely lower than I get from maps, but it's far from being too low to sustain Kingsmarch.
I'm averaging over 20k gold per hour of delve. Which is definitely lower than I get from maps, but it's far from being too low to sustain Kingsmarch.

You clearly havent upgraded your Kingsmarch much then...

I'm running at 10k gold/h WITHOUT mappers, 20k/h with mappers. And I have still not top of the line workers in each area. I fully built town can easily burn 30-40k gold/h total.

There is also the fact you get absolutely 0 ore while spending time in delve.

For reference I can blast a t16 in less than 5min for 13-16k easy gold.

While true you have to map to be able to delve it's quite possible to spend 1/4 to 1/50 of your time in mapping depending on how much you invest in delve in the map passive tree+scarabs but doing this has noticeable set behind my Kingsmarch progress and I've had to drop mapping there to be able to work on upgrades.

The difference is too much imo, they should at least have the gold scale a bit in the mine based on depth compared to current values where I barely get 2 gold for every 1 fuel spent.

My suggestion would be to have the gold drops increase 50% for every 50 depth until 300 where it caps out. This should come around 10k gold for doing regular nodes while they also need to reduced the gold drops in citadel/etc by 50% total to compensate. (300% more gold in mine, 100% more gold in citadel/outpost/etc)

Cryshy wrote:
I'm averaging over 20k gold per hour of delve. Which is definitely lower than I get from maps, but it's far from being too low to sustain Kingsmarch.

You clearly havent upgraded your Kingsmarch much then...

I'm running at 10k gold/h WITHOUT mappers, 20k/h with mappers. And I have still not top of the line workers in each area. I fully built town can easily burn 30-40k gold/h total.

There is also the fact you get absolutely 0 ore while spending time in delve.

For reference I can blast a t16 in less than 5min for 13-16k easy gold.

While true you have to map to be able to delve it's quite possible to spend 1/4 to 1/50 of your time in mapping depending on how much you invest in delve in the map passive tree+scarabs but doing this has noticeable set behind my Kingsmarch progress and I've had to drop mapping there to be able to work on upgrades.

The difference is too much imo, they should at least have the gold scale a bit in the mine based on depth compared to current values where I barely get 2 gold for every 1 fuel spent.

My suggestion would be to have the gold drops increase 50% for every 50 depth until 300 where it caps out. This should come around 10k gold for doing regular nodes while they also need to reduced the gold drops in citadel/etc by 50% total to compensate. (300% more gold in mine, 100% more gold in citadel/outpost/etc)

I'm running mappers and 3 ships nonstop, and I'm barely at 10k gold per hour.

Sounds like your Kingsmarch is set up extremely inefficiently to me. Which is very easy to do, to be fair, but I'd see about finding those places where you're spending gold to zero benefit. Disenchanters is a big one for a lot of people: you barely need anyone there, the dust you get is so much more than you actually need, because all you need to do is keep pace with your farmers to optimize your shipments. There's no reason to EVER run a bunch of high level disenchanters, you'll always be waiting on your farmers and smelters.

I'm also quite a bit deeper than my first post, I'm up to about 35k gold per hour now around depth 200. Which is still less than I get from an hour of T16 maps, but more than enough to sustain Kingsmarch.
People actually forget the point that they are expected to put a lot of work into gold farming if they want to sustain high level workers on all stations all day long.
Your gold cost if actually not that high if you do the bare minimum of what you actually need.
Having smelters run all day long or miners for metal that you don't need in the end is a gold drain.
Keeping the disenchanting busy with too much work for way too much dust is also just a worthless gold drain.

But there's no lack of gold if you do the bare minimum of useful things that you actually do need or profit from.
Delve alone can easily sustain farmers, shipping and mapping.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Yea im confused about the expectation here for delve. Im at around 270ish now, city nodes give like 3-5k ish?

You finish them stupid fast too so it would become op if they buffed it really. Not sure what a 0 challenge profile cares about gold, they dont even play the league.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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