Pirate attack too often.

Im not complain if i send high risk ship and get attack by pirate but im alway send 0 risk shipment because i don't want to deal with it. at least this early in the league where i spend 3-4 minute fighting the boss.

but i still get attack by pirate every 2-3 shipment. didn't pirate attack mechanic scale with risk?
why do i even get pirate attack event when im alway send 0 risk shipment?
Last bumped on Sep 2, 2024, 5:34:48 AM
Cause that's what pirates do, they attack everything on sight.
Even if you don't have much they are going to come and get yard booty!
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
I wish I got pirates because I can understand that. I got hit by a mysterious green mist instead.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
That's what pirates do dude.
is better than 14k worth of food disappearing because the ship found a calm sea and the crew decide to eat all the food...

wish i had taken a screenshot of that.
self found league fan


Last edited by caboom on Jul 30, 2024, 12:26:40 AM
i have to blame my luck then...
GGG here is something to think about for Pirates on taking the crew hostage, My crew has 1 tier 6 sailor with 3 tier 5 sailors and shipment is 500 each type of food and 500 dust for value of 46k i think it was to 42 min port.

I am not strong enough to take on leader of the pirate fight so it is cheaper for me to say your all fired and hire new crew for about 15k gold.

My point is why should i pay for 42 min shipment when i can farm 3 or 4 low tier maps to get enough gold to hire new crew for so much less money and be rolling again with in 30 minutes to 40 minutes time. i say 3 to 4 maps cause i still need pay my town money to keep working.

This kidnapping of my crew happen a lot on 0 risk rate and easy replaceable crew.
garrett111 wrote:
GGG here is something to think about for Pirates on taking the crew hostage, My crew has 1 tier 6 sailor with 3 tier 5 sailors and shipment is 500 each type of food and 500 dust for value of 46k i think it was to 42 min port.

I am not strong enough to take on leader of the pirate fight so it is cheaper for me to say your all fired and hire new crew for about 15k gold.

My point is why should i pay for 42 min shipment when i can farm 3 or 4 low tier maps to get enough gold to hire new crew for so much less money and be rolling again with in 30 minutes to 40 minutes time. i say 3 to 4 maps cause i still need pay my town money to keep working.

This kidnapping of my crew happen a lot on 0 risk rate and easy replaceable crew.

Well you should literally never pay the ransom; I think that option is just there to embarrass you into fighting the pirates.

But honestly... just fight the pirate boss. He's very easy and drops between 45k and 60k gold with a small chance of power runes. I wish I could get him more often, to be honest.
They should have added the good ol' pirates favorite Rum as a resource, which also increases the spawn rate by a lot of you send it along with the other stuff.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
I never pay, My DPS to low to do anything to leader of the pirates, I only do 81k dmg 87k with buffs 90k if i want to use golem. This my 4th season and still learning crafting the right way to make high end DPS weapons, This been my best run so far cause of the market.

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