Ranged vs Melee

How come ranged toons get Nimis while melee gets Warrior's Legacy. Who the hell is in charge of balance in poe?

I was like ok maybe theres something to do with Warrior's Legacy. Make a strike skill aoe with whatever mechanic and then you kindda have a 60% more multiplier (factoring the absolutely terrible 20% less attack speed).

So mayyyybe this would be viable if not needing a support slot to make a strike skill aoe. Boneshatter, ele hit, and some more are strike skills that has inherent aoe.

But when i read the wiki, the strike repeat will only occur if you moved.

ROFL why do GGG hates melee so much. Who the hell at GGG just despise it exactly? Maybe they should hire someone who loves melee. Im not asking to fire the current balance guy, hes doint a good job with ranged skills. Just hire someone who likes melee and whos willing to give melee some love. We are wayyyyyy overdue. Its unacceptable that melee has been in such a dogshit state for the past 10 leagues.

I remember when slams were good but no apparently they were too good and they absolutely gutted them, despite having to use 3 shouts and investing skill slots + a lot of passives to make them work. It lasted what? 2-3 patches and still they weren't the most powerful builds at all. But just because it was popular in SSF they just nerfed slams to the ground.

Then they let skills like tornado shot, detonate dead and plenty of absolutely OP skills untouched for dozen of leagues.
Last edited by Krayken on May 2, 2024, 11:02:52 PM
Last bumped on May 6, 2024, 4:13:29 AM
Ah yes, thank you for bringing up ranged vs melee with the worst example of the imbalance between the two (because Nimis has 38% usage on Splitting Steel and 8% on Molten Strike, followed by Lightning Arrow at 25%)

Everyone knows melee is heavily outclassed by ranged. Reply to any other thread about the subject
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Ah yes, thank you for bringing up ranged vs melee with the worst example of the imbalance between the two (because Nimis has 38% usage on Splitting Steel and 8% on Molten Strike, followed by Lightning Arrow at 25%)

Everyone knows melee is heavily outclassed by ranged. Reply to any other thread about the subject

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Last edited by Mousa_GGG on May 2, 2024, 11:12:45 PM
Yeah in retrospect the slam nerf is just hard to comprehend.

My Slam Bleed build was nerfed by 90% in one patch. (Lots of people question this, I made a post breaking it down, it really was a 90% reduction in damage. I can link it if someone wants to argue.)

Given the state of ranged and spells doing 200M dps on the regular, and stuff like Annihilating Light... did we REALLY need to nerf slams?
trixxar wrote:

Given the state of ranged and spells doing 200M dps on the regular, and stuff like Annihilating Light... did we REALLY need to nerf slams?

What Slam build did you use? IIRC you complained about your Generals Cry build getting rekt, which isnt even slam build + was broken af.
Also show me those "ranged build doings 200M DPS on regular basis".
Pretty much everyone who reach such dmg has mirror gear and will easily reach such DMG on melee as well, if they put this amount of currency.
Last edited by Aynix on May 3, 2024, 3:29:14 AM
Aynix wrote:
trixxar wrote:

Given the state of ranged and spells doing 200M dps on the regular, and stuff like Annihilating Light... did we REALLY need to nerf slams?

What Slam build did you use? IIRC you complained about your Generals Cry build getting rekt, which isnt even slam build + was broken af.
Also show me those "ranged build doings 200M DPS on regular basis".
Pretty much everyone who reach such dmg has mirror gear and will easily reach such DMG on melee as well, if they put this amount of currency.

Fun fact. If you go to POE Ninja, set the EHP filter to 50k minimum and then sort by DPS the first ranged skill is deep in the twenties rank wise with 137 mio dps. Everything above is melee. And 50k EHP is what i'd consider the barely playable minimum even on ranged.
eHP on poe.ninja is grossly inflated by evasion rating

wished you could filter for builds that have at least 20k max phys hit instead
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Baharoth15 wrote:
Aynix wrote:
trixxar wrote:

Given the state of ranged and spells doing 200M dps on the regular, and stuff like Annihilating Light... did we REALLY need to nerf slams?

What Slam build did you use? IIRC you complained about your Generals Cry build getting rekt, which isnt even slam build + was broken af.
Also show me those "ranged build doings 200M DPS on regular basis".
Pretty much everyone who reach such dmg has mirror gear and will easily reach such DMG on melee as well, if they put this amount of currency.

Fun fact. If you go to POE Ninja, set the EHP filter to 50k minimum and then sort by DPS the first ranged skill is deep in the twenties rank wise with 137 mio dps. Everything above is melee. And 50k EHP is what i'd consider the barely playable minimum even on ranged.

Poe ninja DPS is really not a good indicator. For most ranged builds they lack a shit ton of multpliers such as number of projs or aoe overlap.
Maybe because it doesnt do anything for most skills there
Aynix wrote:
trixxar wrote:

Given the state of ranged and spells doing 200M dps on the regular, and stuff like Annihilating Light... did we REALLY need to nerf slams?

What Slam build did you use? IIRC you complained about your Generals Cry build getting rekt, which isnt even slam build + was broken af.
Also show me those "ranged build doings 200M DPS on regular basis".
Pretty much everyone who reach such dmg has mirror gear and will easily reach such DMG on melee as well, if they put this amount of currency.

No, you don't recall correctly.

Earthquake Bleed. Does that count as a slam build for you?

You really need me to show you the ranged builds? With as much time as you spend on PoE forums...

Ok man



(These can be multiplied by ~10 due to the skill on frostbolts)

Fun fact. If you go to POE Ninja, set the EHP filter to 50k minimum and then sort by DPS the first ranged skill is deep in the twenties rank wise with 137 mio dps. Everything above is melee. And 50k EHP is what i'd consider the barely playable minimum even on ranged.

If we are going to make arbitrary limits, then why not say "limited to people playing red skill gems" most are melee.

But all of this misses the point. PoE Ninja is not a very good indicator of normal play.

The point is, slams were nerfed hard, when they were never particularly strong, and now the top slam is at number 63 among active skills.

Im mildly amused there are people bored enough with the league to argue that melee is in as good a place as ranged in PoE and the previous melee nerfs were really needed for balance.

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