3.24.2 Patch Notes

Please GGG... don't do it on Tuesdays anymore.
Many people have already complained in the past that this causes Steam players as well as Epic Launcher players to not being able to play while others who use the standalone version still are.
This is not okay and it shouldn't be the standard.
Just Patch Loop ...
Great patch notes, thanks ggg!
delete magic find
Is this some kind of effort to kill the league even more than it already has been?
Decent changes, curious about new scarabs, but still no Betrayal buffs, you could consider the essence scarab bug fix a nerf for Betrayal as well. This is a sad league for Betrayal enjoyers :(
buff magic find
Legiun wrote:
jujuman wrote:
I'm sure you guys noticed it by now but the Steam Patch did not apply correctly.

I remember having this issue last league, I think the only way I fixed it was to uninstall the game and re-install it. I am gonna wait a little bit before doing that though maybe they will fix it.

its making me do 38 gigabyte updates every time. i'm pretty sure that is the whole damn game i'm reinstalling again lol

Thats not the upadate is steam validating over and over

just noticed that. anyways maybe the 5'th time's the charm!

Not enough scarabs, keep going... why stop here?
Rename the league to necro-proper-scarabs
Rename the game to Path of Scarabs
Rename the company Grinding Scarab Games

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