T17 maps are making me want to quit the game

This might come off as a QQ thread and in all fairness it probably is, but i still want to get this one out. T17 maps are just terrible. I never minded seeing other people running juiced T16 maps and be properly rewarded for it, but T17 maps are just something else.

The amount of uniques, currency, scarabs and div cards you can get out of them is just silly at this point. But in case you want to experience all of this you need to make up with the worst mods on any map ever.

So you want to grab your mageblood/headhunter, defiance, adorned and progenesis and have fun in T17 maps. If you cant, well then you can farm T16s like a peasant. It makes me feel terrible playing the game.

At this point i am just done with the league. You can dislike this post and blame me for crying about, i am fine with that. I am just really afraid of the direction this game is heading.
Last bumped on Jun 2, 2024, 7:55:04 AM
No worries it‘s not QQ, t17 are literally just bad by design and cause even more problems than those you mentioned. Made me quitting league after a week so on same boat.
At this point can just wait for 3.25 hope they get rid of them
I stopped playing on Sunday.

I can't put my finger on it but the endgame feels less. Like content has been removed. Or power has been heavily shifted to the no-lifer streamers and teams running exploits.

But just looking at figures on Steamcharts. The league is a failure. It took Affliction just over a month to reach the figures Necropolis has in less than two weeks.

Been a massive drop in players and it's still dropping. From Sunday to Friday peak has dropped 20k players.
Yep. It is not worth running the T17 over selling them to the people able to juice them. They only created a new problem with these maps. Well that and some new content for the 0.0001% (the 1% can't even do it.. you basically need an adorned/dod setup or aura bot(not just any aura bot though) if you want to run them with max map mod effect.
Last edited by arknath on Apr 12, 2024, 7:02:33 PM
Basically to me yellow maps onward with name your pick of "juiced" strats have deformed and distorted an ARPG thats supposed to be about exploring a dungeon filled with monsters who have loot you want; into some sort of wage earning shopping sim Bullet hell shooter, where you sprint through vaguely fantasy themed landscape in a Bipedal fighter jet with nuclear weapons that explode screens at a time.

You think T17's are where they went too far? I think they jumped that shark when they started catering to the clear speed meta.

This week I watched a HC player willingly continue to do a map that was shuttering his frame rate down to "frames per minute" who continued to farm this way for multiple evenings until his character ripped, which he predicted was about to happen "when the server catches up" due to the kind of monsters (Ben_).

Its gone too far. the game at that level is far far beyond dumb, its unintelligible nonsense, unrecognizable as the genre it started out trying to be.

Cue the same old tired "if you don't like that don't play that way" fallacy as if its not effecting how the game is designed and balanced.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Apr 13, 2024, 3:40:11 AM
Even some of streamers that are well know for being "very good at the game" are saying that T17 are shit.
So its not QQ or "skill issue". THey are just bad.
I feel you... this is looking to be my shortest lived league ever.

10k mana, 7.4k es, 84 fire res, 74 cold res, 84 light res, 74 chaos rez..... constantly 1 shot in T17.

I just don't see how this is the bridge to ubers, as ubers are easy compared to this...
Last edited by kevin51287 on Apr 13, 2024, 4:12:55 AM
kevin51287 wrote:
I feel you... this is looking to be my shortest lived league ever.

10k mana, 7.4k es, 84 fire res, 74 cold res, 84 light res, 74 chaos rez..... constantly 1 shot in T17.

I just don't see how this is the bridge to ubers, as ubers are easy compared to this...

You're severely overestimating your defensives but please, show off uber Sirus or Exarch with that character.
Scarletsword wrote:
kevin51287 wrote:
I feel you... this is looking to be my shortest lived league ever.

10k mana, 7.4k es, 84 fire res, 74 cold res, 84 light res, 74 chaos rez..... constantly 1 shot in T17.

I just don't see how this is the bridge to ubers, as ubers are easy compared to this...

You're severely overestimating your defensives but please, show off uber Sirus or Exarch with that character.

If you got 10-20 mill uber dps, you are fine with 10-12k max phys and 20k max ele hit against ubers, at least that's my experience.
I did quite a few uber sirus last league with my only defenses being progenesis+petrified blood and 75 max res.

T17 in general are much deadlier than ubers themselves because of the over-tuned map mod pool. Sure, you can waste 30-40 chaos on them till you find a manageable mod combination(for most builds in general), but at the end of the day these maps should've never been added to the game in the first place. They hurt the economy, make much harder for most players to get fifth device slot when now its almost mandatory with this dumb scarab rework, and so on.
gabpla111 wrote:
Scarletsword wrote:
kevin51287 wrote:
I feel you... this is looking to be my shortest lived league ever.

10k mana, 7.4k es, 84 fire res, 74 cold res, 84 light res, 74 chaos rez..... constantly 1 shot in T17.

I just don't see how this is the bridge to ubers, as ubers are easy compared to this...

You're severely overestimating your defensives but please, show off uber Sirus or Exarch with that character.

If you got 10-20 mill uber dps, you are fine with 10-12k max phys and 20k max ele hit against ubers, at least that's my experience.
I did quite a few uber sirus last league with my only defenses being progenesis+petrified blood and 75 max res.

T17 in general are much deadlier than ubers themselves because of the over-tuned map mod pool and the fact that sometimes you are being overwhelmed by hordes monsters on steroids.

Sure, you can waste 30-40 chaos on them till you find a manageable mod combination(for most builds in general), but at the end of the day these maps should've never been added to the game in the first place. They hurt the economy, make much harder for most players to get fifth device slot when now its almost mandatory with this dumb scarab rework, and so on.

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