3.24.1 Patch Notes

Can we just restart the league and pretend this shit never happened?
I love Path of Exile... but...

The nerfing of over powered content on end of the week is just not cool. As someone who'd like to play the game with a friend in the weekend, you look up strategies in the week and you talk about how to pull it off and the casual gaming you do throughout the week is about stacking up the ressources to accomplish it. And then you patch it.

Was the same with the divine orbs mod on maps. I'm feeling deflated. Either patch it immediately or don't at all. Seeing people having fun like this and you just saying "no" to everyone not super hardcore isn't who I thought you were.

There's something fundamental that seems to have shifted, where you are nerfing stuff middle league in a way that just feels horrible.

In any case, have a nice league everyone still around :)
Last edited by Wunderman on Apr 11, 2024, 12:32:10 AM
Can we just restart the league and pretend this shit never happened?
Last league was so good and this is a dumpster fire. Hope you fix it next league quite dissappointed.
All of the little babies crying because they can't make multiple mirrors now LMAO. True the economy is fucked. But it would have been fucked much more had they let it go on. it's better to be nerfed now the not at all........I'm glad they did what they did.
Can we just restart the league and pretend this shit never happened?
Bad Seed
MegaPiska wrote:
Can we just restart the league and pretend this shit never happened?

I would LOVE to see them re-start the league. I'm going to add that to their feedback section. They should consider it. That would fix the economy.
Just reset the league, and nerf the loot drops… you are not suppose to be able to drop 100s worth of divines soloing one map with scarabs, Maybe once in 100000 maps it can happen, but not every single map.

Headhunter, mageblood etc was suppose to be end game items, not something everyone can afford after 4 days of a league.
Why does GGG hate fun...

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