Overall Game Perfomance state - and why GGG is in silenced mode about it?

Dxt44 wrote:

I have fun reading this.
Modify as you want, compile.
Limitation is you.

You have no clue what you're talking about. As the other user told, adapting the general purpose engine to the specific needs is a lot of work, especially if it is not your (or your team) code. It takes a LOT of time! If you want to work for free and spend your time for the pointless things - good luck. You have access to the UE, feel free to make your own ARPG. But in larger projects it doesn't work this way like you can just push the switch and you're on another engine. I suppose you didn't listen what Sanya told.


No, shit.

The key phrase - "mathematical co-processor". GPU works in very similar way.

Silverpelt wrote:


I bet you didn't read the single book if you can't find the difference between human-made and AI (or alike) - generated code. Younger generation.

Yes Ubuntu is bloatware, Debian is not well suited for the desktop. If you don't like lightweighted Arch, try Nobara or Atlas. Not Debian, not Ubuntu, not NetBSD and not QNX or MS DOS (lol). And stop being toxic.

Okay-okay! Relax! I've got your point dude. I've just seen you were playing on high res on 4070. Does your game run poorly at 1080p?

gideonjjura wrote:
As of today will be quitting the league do to performance issues. breach, blight, and really any Juiced map causing extreme frame drop or disconnection. If my 3000$ gaming rig can't run it, its a GGG issue. Please fix this for next league so I can return to one of my favorite games.

3000$ is like 1500$ old dollars before corona inflation. A single videocard worth 1000-1600$ but you need CPU, RAM and motherboard. Modern gaming rig costs 4000-5000$ unfortunately. It's an equivalent of 2000-2500$ before corona and 10's

Also don't compare this game with Warzone. PoE has WAY MORE particles comparing to the CoD. And CoD never was good at graphics, it's first person shooter for everyone, you can run it even on toaster.
Bathatha666 wrote:
Tha't ridiculous. I play warzone at 120+ FPS and can't play a single map with 6 group here...
hoho yeah not a fan of this [Removed by Isaac], but warzone isn't a good comparison.
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Last edited by xPiranha on Apr 13, 2024, 6:49:58 AM
Please explain why I have not had these latency/crashing issues in previous leagues playing the exact same content/juice.
FreshMeat93 wrote:
bauermayers wrote:
Why would they feel the need to do something if the player base is steady?

190k concurrent players in steam on league start - and now less than in 2 weeks after - around ~80k,maybe ~50k in another 1 week.
Can't claim it - steady.
At least not in this league.

Last 3 days im mainly just afk in Hideout, maybe doing like 10x maps a day total.
When in earlier leagues i was farming - anything non-stop - maps/delve/Alva temples/Heists etc.

In this league im already feel - "super tired" and no joy from doing any kind of content in the game.

Peak players is not the most important factor, average is.
cursorTarget wrote:
You have no clue what you're talking about. As the other user told, adapting the general purpose engine to the specific needs is a lot of work, especially if it is not your (or your team) code. It takes a LOT of time! If you want to work for free and spend your time for the pointless things - good luck. You have access to the UE, feel free to make your own ARPG. But in larger projects it doesn't work this way like you can just push the switch and you're on another engine. I suppose you didn't listen what Sanya told.

Adapt to what? What's so hard to do in UE that I have to make my own engine?
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
bauermayers wrote:
FreshMeat93 wrote:
bauermayers wrote:
Why would they feel the need to do something if the player base is steady?

190k concurrent players in steam on league start - and now less than in 2 weeks after - around ~80k,maybe ~50k in another 1 week.
Can't claim it - steady.
At least not in this league.

Last 3 days im mainly just afk in Hideout, maybe doing like 10x maps a day total.
When in earlier leagues i was farming - anything non-stop - maps/delve/Alva temples/Heists etc.

In this league im already feel - "super tired" and no joy from doing any kind of content in the game.

Peak players is not the most important factor, average is.

Actually neither are the most important. The most important number, which we don't even know, is their monetization conversion metrics and algorithm. However it stands to reason you cannot monetize a player that isn't playing.

This is why being new player hostile is eventually going to catch up with them. (And likely why PoE2 is far less complex from what we have seen)
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Dxt44 wrote:
Adapt to what? What's so hard to do in UE that I have to make my own engine?

For example PoE uses SSGI, UE - doesn't. In PoE you don't need to process the scene behind the viewport, UE does. Just watch two interviews with Sanya (Exile Con and with Cardiff), he explained why they even don't mind it. Specific solution is always better than general. Also I don't understand why do you think (or some other users) the UE will be better performing than GGG's engine in the same conditions. Anyway, I recommend you to watch the vids, both ara available on YT.
Last edited by cursorTarget on Apr 11, 2024, 5:11:53 PM
cursorTarget wrote:

Why GGG does not updates their requirements?
How can you explain them being so shameless?
Either is incompetence in developing it. Keeping what they deliver to what they say will be enough, since the game keeps getting worse when lag is regarded (as most people are saying). Or is simply shameless. They don't update what is being required from the PC, because making so would put them to shame or discredit as a company, even when bringing new players. An attempt of deceit.
Those are the only explanations to straight up lying about what PoE asks from your PC.

If they will do that, some people stop to play.

I'll be clear as possible in my statement. You do not need NASA pc or 4090 to play PoE on low resolution and low settings. You can run poe on very shitty PC (even on GT 680). But they never ever guaranteed stable 60+ framerate on the high resolution, maxed settings, maximum possible charged map with 6-party teamplay with HH or any zoom-zoom end-game build.

The difference between these two scenarios is so huge! You need only potato PC to start Act 1. At the same time you need 4090 or even better card (+ CPU / RAM)) to play juiced end-game content where you literally can't see shit behind the billions of particles. You navigate using the map because of massacre going on the screen.

Topic Starter wants to play juiced maps on high resolution on the medium level PC. This thing is not working anymore. We are not in 2014. Is it so hard to understand?

Glad to see you here! At least person from IT. Cheers ;) These guys have no idea who they're talking to. But it's even more interesting.

You're clearly way too deep in this.
And in contradiction.
You spent an hour at very least writting about this potato PC this, this rig that. The blame is on the players.
The thing is. You seem to stand in your point instead of reality: thousands of players are having lag even in the hideout with dynamic resolution up. Let alone act one. And it's not the first time. Every league, the same thing, progressively worse. You ceirtanly would call that a potato too, BTW, the PC recommended by GGG
The hard truth is: if you have the specs made public by GGG, you can't play the game.
And you doesn't need to believe in me. Just go to the support forums or reddit.
Last edited by fenixsemcinzas on Apr 11, 2024, 5:30:17 PM
Alright, I'm gonna test the game on NVIDIA GT 1030. I believe it's playable in 720p mode even on this dogshit GPU. Gimme an hour...

As expected even on the dummy GPU the game runs acceptable. Here is the proof. If you have 20 FPS on 4070 in 1080p it's definely a problem on the user-end. Modern integrated GPUs are more powerful than 1030 and it is even weaker than GTX 680 (released in 2012), so... You guys have to fix your systems.
Last edited by cursorTarget on Apr 11, 2024, 6:35:16 PM
cursorTarget wrote:

Silverpelt wrote:


I bet you didn't read the single book if you can't find the difference between human-made and AI (or alike) - generated code. Younger generation.

Yes Ubuntu is bloatware, Debian is not well suited for the desktop. If you don't like lightweighted Arch, try Nobara or Atlas. Not Debian, not Ubuntu, not NetBSD and not QNX or MS DOS (lol). And stop being toxic.

I'm not gonna read some code from a rando on the internet who's trying to flex by, more than likely, pasting code he found on a forum written by somebody else and who himself wouldn't even be able to describe in depth what it does.

I run headless servers, not desktops. I don't use Linux to browse the internet, fill my taxes documents, and much much less to play games.

You talk about me being toxic when you literally insulted me in another post and here keep saying we're just cheap sakes for not running the game on a top of the line machine is peak irony.

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