MORBID - Looking to recruit active mature gamers for softcore trade SETTLERS OF KALGUUR league

-IGN: rinkk_pew
-Discord: Rinkeeh
-Experience - Played since 2016 - clocked around 4k hours, fairly experienced in all areas of the game. I tend to play a lot during the initial few weeks and then my interest always falls off, hoping that joining a guild will change that!
Rinkeeh wrote:
-IGN: rinkk_pew
-Discord: Rinkeeh
-Experience - Played since 2016 - clocked around 4k hours, fairly experienced in all areas of the game. I tend to play a lot during the initial few weeks and then my interest always falls off, hoping that joining a guild will change that!

hi :)
-IGN: Wraithstep
-Discord: caracosa68
-Experience - Played since 2017 have 2280 hours. I have 10+ level 90 characters highest is 98. Played alot but never learned to craft much.

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