Can't summon animate guardian

Hi, i can't summon animate guardian on AlphaNecroDancer.
Got 19+ lvl of AG so it can use any item, and i put on the ground Leer Cast helmet. My character just make cast animation but nothing happen...
What is the problem?

i take off all the gear and just put gloves with the gem, drop the armor and wep,mouse over any item using the skill and still nothing

any help pls im start getting upsate cos i cant use the skill :(

Im following the SrSguardian Guide u can find in Maxroll.

ty alot for the help !
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2024, 3:08:35 PM
Are you using the Fleshcrafter chest?
If so, read what it does and balance your minions chaos res properly
not im not using Fleshcrafter, im planning to use "Ambu's Charge"
so far im trying with rare chesspiece

i have 51% chaos with my gear so far at lv 89 with my guardian

Btw ty for answer my post!
I was talking about the chestpiece you equipped yourself, not the one you are trying to use on your AG - should have made that more obvious ^^

What seems to be happening is Fleshcrafter is converting 2% of your minions life into Energyshield per chaos res the minions have, not your chaos res.

The moment the minions hit 50% chaos res (most of them have a base of 20%, keep that in mind) you end up converting 100% of their life into ES and thus they die right away.

Thats a veeery common issue with Fleshcrafter which is why I pointed it out
Last edited by Orbaal on Jan 9, 2024, 11:15:44 AM
im using Lightning Coil as chestpiece

sorry i just have 2 week playing poe and im still a noobie hehehehe

Go to your privacy settings in your profile here and make your characters public. It helps a lot when people are trying to figure out issues you have.

I just change the setting to public. Didnt know it was on private :)

well Hope some1 watch my profile to explain me why i cant summ the guardian. So i can learn the reasson and start using the Skill correctly in the game
ty all
As far as I can tell there is nothing stopping your AG from working. A video is the next step just to make sure you are indeed doing everything correctly.
well ill try to make the video
but for example i drop a gear "Rare" or uniques iLv 68 for example (helm/ sword / shield / chestpiece / boots and gloves)

them i mouse over each 1 and hitting the skill i see the animation but the guardian is not summoned


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