[PS] Trade website not working/ up to date (last update 17 hours ago)

The trade website for PS https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/sony/Affliction is completely out of sync.

The last update seems to be 17 hours old.

This leads to multiple problems:
1. nothing posted as of 17 hours ago shows up on the trade website
2. outdated offers on sold offers
3. confusing offers with incorrect price on outdated items (after for instance crafting on them)

Both PC and XBOX seem fine and up to date.
Last bumped on Dec 26, 2023, 12:12:23 PM
Same issue here, is annoying when contacting player that sold their items already...
Is there an update on this? Been like 24 hours+ i think and trade is still broken
+1 repair this!!!!
it is broken
Almost 3 days ago last update
Looks like sold items are still listed, and newly listed items not showing up. Please sort it out? Thank you!
Can we have South African Servers on console please? Thanks
Day 5 and still not updated? The economy is in shambles and builds are being ruined because trade can’t be updated
Seems to be working again.

Edit: at least it is working for PS
Last edited by Falconie_hawk on Dec 27, 2023, 12:42:37 AM
I'm doing live searches on Xbox and not getting any returns. I am testing this with my own items and still get nothing back on live search. It is definitely still messed up.

Also based on just a few searches I did the last items were put up 18 to 20 hours ago. Like chaos etc. which clearly isn't right.
Last edited by Zomphere on Dec 26, 2023, 10:42:04 AM

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