drop rate of simplex amulet and Helical Ring bases in Heist are insanely poor

You can preach that all day. But last league on league start if you farmed twisted invitations you would know there are bugs and wonky things going on with invitation farming.

If you don't know, If you did an elder map last league on league start with destructive play allocated boss maps couldn't drop with maven watching.

With respect to the op, and what hes talking about in this post. Yes I understand how statistics and odds work. I am just sharing my experience with certain things. There can be drop rate adjustments and bugs that go on live in the game. You cant discount that completely in the name of statistics.

Like how long did increased aura effect not effect the bonus from pride before ggg fixed it.
^and that is exactly the "gambler's fallacy". You discount statistics because they don't jive with your (actually) limited experience.

You are correct: VERY rarely, it COULD be a bug. But your experience can't possibly BE a bug. Inconsistency is literally impossible if it were a bug. Inconsistency is a sign of CORRECT probability operations.

Deny the math all you want....that doesn't make it any less true.

As far as I'm aware, there wasn't any "bug" issue with aura effect and pride....all the issues from that time were because people didn't understand that pride affects enemies, not the player. And many sources of increased aura effect were for auras effecting you. I could be wrong about that, it was over 3 years ago.

Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jan 17, 2024, 9:55:04 PM
The pride bug was fixed around 3.18 or so. Pride had never worked with aura effect, the value that increases over time. I don't know when they added pride to the game.

Also I didn't discount the statistics. and to be fair I've made probably 2-3k divines this league invitation farming. That's not exactly the miniscule sample size you're describing.
As stated in a previous post, ring bases in heist aren't all that uncommon (after 300ish+ wings. Only picked the good bases)

But this....this is lucky

Has confirmed or official changed about this this league??

I am really struggling with my RF build and my solution has been a lot of heisting, trying (failing so far) to get some decent jewelry bases…

Sure thing is heist has been massively nerfed.
Last edited by Universalis on May 13, 2024, 3:04:39 PM
Heist needs a buff. Two leagues ago it was great.

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