Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

With the changes to lab, have there been any changes to the offerings? Does Gift still offer 8 options? What does Dedication do now? Tribute still buffed rewards?

Appreciate any response. :)
Elhazzared wrote:
"We want to make Quallity provide better bonus."

Totems nerfed even though almost no one plays them with how aweful they are.

How were totems nerfed?
Sieegfreed wrote:
PoE 2 looks bad, really bad, slow and like a mix of Diablo 4 + Soulslike, for me PoE's essence are being spoiled by this project...
Instead we shoud have a good massive and solid game...
We'll have the community divided and will be more recurrent for people (like me) skipe some leagues or even play others games instead... a pity...

PS: This ugly wings you gave in the drop was better than the entire set provided as challange reward... I miss when we had good rewards that "remember" the league instead all this random theme armour sets you have being doing...

Sometimes stuff will not fall into everybodies taste..the majority (on twitch) and here seems to be excited about the changes.
You havnt played poe 2, give it a chance :D
LOGOUT...'s over folks.
GGG only caters to their beloved league sheep and whales, majority of whom treat Standard like it doesn't exist. Not everyone enjoys temp leagues.

If you're a price fixer, item flipper, forum brown-noser or an advocate of P2Annoy MTX you're probably already ignored/muted. You won't get my items.
My dear Ashes amulet, gone forever...
Nice to see that ultimatum is back but when will perandus league return?
Perandus enjoyer
Why dafuq you kill RF but buff Boneshatter?
I am down for shakeup bring it
looking forward to trying it out! dunno about RF changes tho
Vortex: Now has a 0.750 second Cast Time (previously instant)

This is so lame, I'm disgusted. Instead of adding more instant damage skills with cooldown you remove the only that existed.

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