If you dont have flicker then PvP sucks because of people who run away. (Rage Thread)

Nvox wrote:
Dude poe is full PvE game so if u wana kill bossses and boring stuff this is the game for you,about the pvp ernn lol this game doesnt have a real pvp it's the most dumb game i ever seen if i wanted to go PvE was gonna play PW Internation and farm like crazy and what u do here just same stuff maps and when u get annoyed of the lag u just delete very fun game not worth more than a week of play ^^

That's one damn long sentence!
IGN: _Firebitch
Sorry for reviving this... But now I,ve made ANOTHER marauder WHO HAS flicker... unfortunately this marauder uses spark and is a caster marauder... and flicker + spark doesnt Work so that you can kill people who are running away.... (Im just using flicker with a caster dagger for mobility... not for killing.) This character can basically get into a fight.. and if somebody is only running away then i cant do shit about it.... im sooo mad right now. Certain builds needs a way to catch people who are running away.... I could use bear trap but it was never the point of this character and feels cheap to use.
try using arc/arc totem, that move is hard to get away from. and if all they are doing is running away and not trying to kill you at all just break out bear traps and herd them into em. you could easily set up 5 arc mines wait till they get close enough for an insta kill.....theres counters for everything

aww just realized your talking about low lvl pvping, i guess your SoL for mines/totem then lol. IMO low lvl dueling should be maxed at 31, would seriously increase diversity.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on May 12, 2013, 4:08:59 PM

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